Page 553 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 553
While the centrepiece candelabra dish
[previous] and the tea pot [left] were
made probably thirty or so years
apart, they both carry a Nanking Store
mark and are both of reasonably good
quality - the teapot in particular is a
good example of circa 1930 Chinese
silver. There is, however, an obvious
lack of a house style - a theme that will
feature through any slideshow of
Nanking pieces. Nanking Store is
good middle-of-the-road Chinese
silver - rarely are there pieces that
might set off fire-crackers, but safe
even though it may be an eclectic
A circa 1910 reticulated swing arm dish
[right], a hip flask decorated with a swirling
dragon on a finely planished ground
[below left] and an early 20th century
napkin ring [bottom right]. Nanking Store,
as with all Shanghai silversmiths, had
cocktail shakers in their repertoire.
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