Page 897 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 897
A pair of baluster form
vases, circa 1895. The
meander interlocking
frieze is particularly well-
e x e c u t e d ; m e a n d e r
being a traditional
Chinese decorative motif
and NOT “Greek Key
Pattern” as it is so often
mistakenly referred to in
the context of Chinese
A superb Wu Hua
tazza embellished
with plantain leaf
[jiāoyèwén] border
Wu Hua, Tientsin is one of the unsung heroes
of the Chinese Export Silver period and is
finally gaining recognition by Chinese
connoisseurs and collectors.
Images courtesy of Dreweatts & Bloomsbury Auctions, UK; Pushkin Antiques, London; Danny Cheng, Hong Kong;
Garth’s Auctioneers, Delaware, Ohio, USA
http://chinese-export-silver Image Library Archive