Page 925 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 925
Ye Ching had an obvious penchant for
creating intricate reticulated cage-work
items. The beaker glass holders [left] are
a fine example of circa 1900 - early Ye
A caged Haig Whisky “Dimple”
bottle decanter [right] and six
matching caked glass beakers
[similar to above].
The large oval platter [left]
not only shows an obvious
liking for prunus as a
decorative motif but it gives
a hint that Ye Ching was
possibly a small workshop -
in particular the silver marks
are often hand engraved.
T h e e x e c u t i o n o f t h e
blossoming prunus branches
has been done by a
combination of applied
raised work for the branches
and engraving for the
blossoms. This is a
technique Ye Ching used