Page 187 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 2015
P. 187

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443                                             444                                            446
two inside-pAinted glAss snuff                  An unusuAl cAnton enAmel snuff                 A glAss ‘lotus lAppet’ snuff
bottles                                         or scent bottle                                bottle
Suo Zhenhai (1944-2006), cyclically dated       19th century                                   19th century
guichou year (AD 1973) and jiayin year (AD      The flattened bottle painted with typical      Of tapering form, the pink glass evenly carved
1974)                                           scholarly landscape scenes to each side, with  with a band of lotus petals encircling the body
The first bottle delicately painted to each     four lugs holding a cord which suspends a      and reaching up to the shoulder, set on a
side with spotted deer amongst bamboo and       bead and an ochre glass pendant.               shallow footrim, gilt metal mounted stopper
rockwork, one red seal of artist, tigers eye    6cm (2 3/8in) high                             with metal spoon.
stopper; the second finely painted with twelve                                                 6.8cm (2.7/8in) high excluding stopper. (2).
horses frolicking at a waterhole, signed by     £800 - 1,200
the artist, with one red seal, pink hard stone  CNY7,700 - 12,000                              £2,000 - 3,000
stopper.                                        HK$9,400 - 14,000                              CNY19,000 - 29,000
The largest: 5.8cm (2 1/4in) high (4).                                                         HK$24,000 - 35,000
                                                445 Y Ф ≈
£500 - 800                                      An Amber snuff bottle                          447
CNY4,800 - 7,700                                18th/19th century                              A red overlAy glAss ‘hAwk And
HK$5,900 - 9,400                                Of compressed rounded form, of rich mottled    dog’ snuff bottle
                                                honey coloured hue, carved jadeite stopper     18th/19th century
Provenance                                      and ivory spoon. 4.8cm (1.7/8in) high          With a flat lip and recessed base, the flattened
A Scottish private collection.                  excluding stopper. (2).                        pear-shaped snowflake frosted glass bottle
                                                                                               embellished with red glass overlay carved with
                                                £800 - 1,200                                   a hunting hawk to one side, a tied up hunting
                                                CNY7,700 - 12,000                              dog to the other, purple hardstone stopper.
                                                HK$9,400 - 14,000                              6cm (2 3/8in) high (2).

                                                                                               £500 - 800
                                                                                               CNY4,800 - 7,700
                                                                                               HK$5,900 - 9,400

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