P. 363
1.4 Duplicates of score sheets shall not be left of each juror.
with the jurors. 2.3 Each juror shall receive a permanent num-
1.5 The organiser shall provide jurors with ber. The juror shall be provided with a seat and
a consolidated list with the geographic origin an individual table with a white surface bearing
and, if possible, grape varieties of each sample, his/her number and with:
at the end of the daily tasting sessions.
z a carafe of cold water
2. Material functioning z pieces of bread
Once the jury is formed, the jurors shall meet z paper towels or handkerchiefs
for one or more preliminary explanatory me- z discard receptacle.
etings and for a group tasting. Comparisons of
results shall be made with different jurors. Speci- 2.4 Each sample must be presented in a glass
al attention shall be paid to score sheet instruc- corresponding to the category, at least the stan-
tions and to the significance of descriptors. dardised international type (ISO 3591: 1977). It is
2.1 The jury or juries shall be seated in an iso- recommended that glasses be changed for eve-
lated, quiet, well-lit, well-ventilated, odour-free ry sample.
room. Access shall be in principle prohibited to 2.5 The tasting session shall preferably take
all persons who are not essential to the organi- place in the morning. Each juror shall taste at
sation of the tasting. Ambient temperature must the rate of no more than 45 samples per day, wi-
be maintained, to the extent possible, between thout prejudice to possible tastings asked again
20 and 24 °C. by the President of the Jury, in three sessions of
Smoking shall be forbidden. In addition, the approximately 15 samples each of dry wine or
juries must avoid using perfumes, which may two sessions of 15 samples of dry wine to which
disturb the sessions. Mobile phones must be may be added a session of 10 samples from other
turned off. A second adjacent room, outside the categories.
jurors‘ view, shall be reserved for opening bottles For spirituous beverages of vitivinicultural ori-
and for concealing all signs enabling the sample gin, the taste-testing shall be done at the rate of
to be identified. Smoking is forbidden. Strict dis- no more than 30 samples per day, in five sessions
cipline and silence shall be observed. of approximately 6 samples each. In the case of
2.2 In all cases, the bottles shall be placed, be- going over these levels and within the limit of 50
forehand, in packaging which conceals the form samples per day, detailed information must be
of the bottle and guarantees the anonymity explicitly mentioned in the competition regula-
of the sample. This packaging must guarantee tions.
anonymity for the duration of the tasting. When
necessary, the original stoppers shall be replaced 3. Presentation of wine and spirituous be-
by an anonymous closing system; In addition, verages of vitivinicultural origin.
the jurors must never know the identity of the Each product shall be tasted individually and
samples presented. not in comparison.
The number of the service on the packaging
must be different than the registration number. 4. Breaks
The expert commissioner of the O.I.V. shall ensu- There shall be a 15 minute minimum break be-
re the manner by which the anonymity of the tween each session, during which the organiser
sample is guaranteed. shall ensure that the jurors have beverages and
After controlling the service number and food available which shall not interfere in pur-
the agreement of the President of the Jury, the suing taste-testing.
glasses shall be filled in the tasting room in front