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1.WINE SCORE SHEET: to a number of points, indicated on the sheet
For tasting still wines, the O.I.V.-U.I.OE. sheet which enables the juror to make a rating.
model used shall be in accordance with the she- The taster can make possible observations in
et hereinafter (Annex 3.1) *3. the appropriate space, signs the sheet and then
For tasting sparkling and fizzy wines, the O.I.V. he/she can submit the sheet or validate his/her
-U.I.OE. sheet model used shall be in accordance choice, in the case of computerised competitions.
with the sheet hereinafter (Annex 3.2) *3.
2.Score sheet for spirituous beverages of vitivinicul- Article 13: TRANSCRIPTION AND CALCULA-
tural origin: The O.I.V.-U.I.OE. sheet model used is in TION OF RESULTS
accordance with the sheet hereinafter The secretariat shall verify that the sheet is
(Annex 3.3)*3 shall be used for tasting spirituous completely filled out and carry out or check the
beverages of vitivinicultural origin. For specific cases, total score allotted by the juror.
the model sheet may be modified with regard to the When a wine or a spirituous beverage of vitivi-
weighting of criteria within the 12 months of the stan- nicultural origin is marked « eliminated » due to
dard entering into force. a major defect by at least two jurors, the sample
shall, under no circumstances receive an award
Article 12: ROLE OF JURORS by this jury.
The jurors shall verify or complete, if necessa- Each sample shall be rated based on the
ry, the information on the rating sheet relative to average of the scores resulting from the calcu-
the sample. lation of appraisals from each of the jurors. It is
After tasting the sample, each juror shall tick recommended to eliminate figures which differ
the box on each line corresponding to the appra- by more or less than seven points ranging from
isal of a given characteristic. Concerning the the average rating. The jurors must be informed
O.I.V.-U.I.OE. rating sheet, each box corresponds beforehand of the choice of method to be used.