P. 370
A Fairy Tale About Madame Riesling du Monde
enjoys it to this day.The varietal competition of
Rieslings was followed by Pinot Gris du monde
2005, Gewurztraminer du monde 2007, Sylva-
ner du monde 2012 and Pinot Blanc du monde
In 2010, the competition gained the patron-
age of the OIV and in 2014 Christine pushed it
through to the VinoFed series.
In 2018, with the addition of two more cate-
gories, namely cuvées and other white varie-
ties of the world outside the seven Alsatian,
the name of the competition was changed and
the competition regrouped under the name of
„Concours des Vins Blancs du monde“.
Then in the difficult year of 2020, Strasbourg
Evenements gave it a truly world-class format
under the name of Le MONDIAL DES VINS
The competition gained the patronage of the
OIV and UIOE and when she pushed it through
to the VinoFed, she became a member of the
Once upon a time, there was committee of this top association of the highest
a lady who had never made a sin- authentic competitions in the world.
gle liter of wine and yet among the As the competition gained prestige, Christine
Alsatian women, she belonged at felt the need to grow on her own. She obtained
the forefront, all the way at the top. the highest level of CIVA tasting exams, comple-
She had always loved wine but her hobby ted courses in oenology, pedology and geolo-
gained a specific form in 1995, when she be- gy, as well as graduated from WSET at the Aca-
came an assistant of the marketing director demie Internationale des Vins en Alsace (AIVA).
of the trade fair and congress company called When Christine left her position as a project
Strasbourg Evenements. It was the perfect pla- manager for Strasbourg Evenements in 2018
ce for a woman who was always on the alert, and retired, she not only kept her competiti-
able to reach an agreement with everyone and on project which she still manages but out of
take care of everything. In 1989, she managed love, she also founded her own microcompa-
to persuade the company to create and organi- ny for organizing wine events. She deals with
ze the Riesling du Monde varietal competition; enotourism, organizing trainings, courses and
congress facilities were available, Riesling was tastings at the Château du Haut-Koenigsbourg.
number one in Alsatian vineyards at the time, One of the first major projects was the organi-
so why not? zation of a trip of Alsatian winemakers and wine
The premiere was successful and other Alsa- lovers to Bohemia and Moravia. This initial-
tian varieties gradually began to join the wine ly risky project ended with a bus full of enthusi-
of kings and king of wines. That‘s when her astic tourists who filled up all free spaces of the
nickname „Madame Riesling du Monde“ bus with Moravian wines. And if they have not
was heard for the first time and Christina still drunk them, they still have them … ƅ