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formers (Masters of Wine, Master sommeliers, nity to buy these top wines directly through
wine buyers, sommeliers, critics) for endorsing a wineries online shops.
Bacchus awards. We believe it is the best way The competitions are changing, as is eve-
of giving the wineries and the consumers use- rything in the world. And the pandemic only
ful information of the quality of the wines: in- speeds up the process. Rather than change,
dependence, impartiality, and rigour. we believe that it will be readjusted, with li-
Complying with the protocols and above mitations regarding the number of tasters
all continuing to the extent of their possibili- and work protocols (service, drinks, ...) but
ties, their training in knowledge and tasting of technically we do not believe that it should
world wines. It is the best way for them to con- change if the assessment system meets the
tinue exercising their work as judges in a pro- required standards. We still believe Bacchus
fessional and lasting way. 2021 will be held in Madrid from 24th to 28th
We certainly believe in strong influence of May 2021 and will implement these measures
competition results in customers decision, but however will not modify its tasting panel’s
and as organizers of wine competitions like profile, selecting some of the most relevant
Bacchus we work for it, even more so in the opinion formers of the world including Mas-
current circumstances in which online co- ters of Wine, Master sommeliers, wine buyers,
mmerce and shopping in large stores has been sommeliers, and critics
reinforced. It is in these channels where the Like the contests, our opinion is that those
consumer can most value the endorsement of critics who demonstrate their criteria and ob-
a medal in a prestigious contest. In this sense jectivity will prevail, but there is no doubt that
we have started up (www.lapasareladelauec. given the potential of social networks, new in-
es) a digital platform for connecting awarded fluencers will emerge in the world of wine and
wines to consumers giving them the opportu- in many other opinion sectors. ƅ