P. 377


                                 Réal Wolfe
                                 The President of Sélections Mondiales des Vins, an expert on
                                 the Canadian market for alcoholic beverages, wine importer
                                 and agent, head of dynamic growing wine agency specializing
                                 in the development of prestige brands on Canadian market.

                                 SÉLECTIONS MONDIALES

                                 DES VINS, QUÉBEC

          SMV Canada keeps a close watch on the fluid    I really see the importance of giving more
        trends of the international wine market, parti-  detail to the judge panel to give a better chan-
        cularly those making waves in North America.  ce to make a better evaluation.
          For my point of view the future of wine   The wine world is changing. We have to fol-
        contests is very promising but need to be  low the trend to respect all the producers, the
        more oriented to new ways to make wine tas-  judges and also the consumers who will trust
        ting.                                    our recognition coming from the international
          The blind tasting in the International wine  wine  contest  from the world. We in Sélection
        contest has to be reviewed to give  more detail  Mondiales des Vins Canada 2020 we started
        about the samples offered to judges.     this year to introduce this approach. We ask
          The different methods of winemaking are  the producers of the 2020 edition when they
        more specific and will be more and more spe-  make the registration to indicate  the methods
        cific in the near future and those methods  classic, lutte raisonnée organic,  biodynamic,
        have to be identified to get a better evaluation  nature wines.
        of the wine samples in the international  blind   We got 30 % of wines presented in those
        wine tasting.                            categories. When making the blind tasting we
          Blind tasting in the international wines  indicate the methods of vinification to judges
        contest  with wines coming from different me-  just to inform them, not to influence them! The
        thods like classic winemaking , lutte raisonné  result was very interesting. The judges appre-
        winemaking production, or nature winema-  ciate this and I should say the wines received
        king are very different and quality is also very  more attention. This is not a  scientific result
        different there for all methods. But the final  but shows the importance to adapt the wine
        evaluation is different means about the per-  tasting in the field to respect all participants in
        ception of those wines can be interpreted dif-  the wine producing and wine evaluating and
        ferently!                                the final consumer ! ƅ
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