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ges is not limited. Especially if the competition
is held in or near a world wine region. You will
find that there are Masters of Wine, Master Som-
meliers, sommeliers, educators, enologists,
winemakers, retailers, importers, consultants
and wine writers just about everywhere!
And the diversity of the wine judges is key.
Granted, travel restrictions may be a tempora-
ry factor in large international competitions,
but competition planners are quickly moving
to mitigate. Blind tastings at a major fully in-
ternational wine competitions (not just inter-
national entries but international juries also)
create a level playing field. And they also re-
duce the effects of individual bias. Sure, there As for the future of “The International Wine
will be “new Parkers” popping up online, but Competition”, there is absolutely no doubt
the more of them there are, the muddier the they will remain relevant. The technique of
result - individual bias gets compounded. In tasting wine blind among a diverse selection
the competition environment, multiple jud- of professionals will guarantee that your wine
ges evaluate and score each wine - individual will get the medal and acclaim it deserves. This
bias is reduced - and the final score is a clearer, can be very exciting for smaller and/or newer
higher quality result. wineries when they capture a prestigious Gold
It is a new normal. But it works wonderfully. or even Platinum medal. Many importers, dis-
And the excitement of rewarding great wines tributors and commercial buyers look at com-
is just the same with or without a pandemic in petition results sometimes within minutes of
the way. Especially with all of these incredible release. Ron Dougherty, Executive Director
recent vintages, it would be a shame not to of the Great American International, perso-
see these wines shine as they should. nally remembers calling one winery that had
captured a Grand Award (Best In Show) at the
competition. “I called to notify them less than
24 hours after the results were announced. They
told me they received a call from a distributor
a few hours earlier and he purchased their entire
production of the Grand Award winning wine.”
Ron has been told by several winery owners
that they have experienced several times Pla-
tinum and Gold medal winning wines selling
out within days of the competition!
The positives are there, and worth focu-
sing on over the course of our pandemic
months. Make sure you let your wines get
the recognition they deserve - don’t hesita-
te to get them in a competition. Wine folks
have endured lots of barriers in the past, but
somehow the wine always survives! It will
this time too. ƅ