P. 384
ges. It represents 55 nationalities and this di- The aim of the Concours
versity contributes to the uniqueness of the Mondial de Bruxelles is to
event. promote the culture and
The resounding success of the competition
and consequential organisational challenges awareness of wine and to guide
prompted CMB organisers to separate the two consumer choice. Consumers
competitions in 2013. Spirits Selection by Con- FDQ EH QDWXUDOO\ UHWLFHQW DERXW
cours Mondial de Bruxelles is now a fully-fled-
ged event of international scope. VHOHFWLQJ ZLQHV WKH\ DUH QRW
familiar with – the competition’s
GROWING UP task is therefore to help wine
For the first time in its history, in 2021 the
Concours Mondial de Bruxelles will host a jud- ORYHUV EURDGHQ WKHLU FXOWXUH DQG
ging session ahead of the main competition encourage them
designed exclusively for rosé wines. to discover new wines.
By holding the event before the start of
spring, the aim is to provide an effective re- Baudouin Havaux
sponse to market needs and to the growing
interest shown by consumers for rosé wines.
It will provide awarded producers with pro-
motion and marketing tools as soon as the
wines are released for sale. Every year, the
early judging session of the Concours Mon-
dial de Bruxelles will take place in a different
wine region.
Due to the COVID situation the Rosé selec-
tion of the CMB originally planned in Italy will
take place in Brussels. The wine will be evalua-
ted in March only by Belgian
experts (stars sommeliers and
wine journalists).
The CMB originally planned of the rare opportunities to
in Ningxia (China) will move to stand out from the crowd
Luxembourg in June. and provides producers with
We hope, the Grand Duchy of new marketing opportuni-
Luxembourg will host the 2021 ties.
Concours Mondial de Bruxelles The duty of the Concours
– Concours Mondial de Bruxel- Mondial de Bruxelles is also
les. to support and help wine
producers by continuing to
VISION OF FUTURE value and promote good
Due to the current situation, quality wines ! It is also im-
most trade events have been portant to be linked to the
cancelled. With no internatio- producers and keep him in-
nal trade exhibitions, industry conventions formed about new trends and new opportu-
or open-day events, wine contests are some nities.