P. 385
The future of wine competitions will only be „ WINE COMPETITIONS
“The Concours Mondial
positive for those organizations that provide GH %UX[HOOHVǘ NH\ IHDWXUHV
real support to producers and that continue to
evaluate wines in a transparent, objective and are its independence, its rigour
rigorous manner. DQG LWV TXDOLW\ FRQWURO
The situation forces us to adapt ourselves in :LWK DbWHDP RI SURIHVVLRQDOV DQG
terms of organisation and Covid procedure.
However, we remain uncompromising on the international judges selected
points that have made the CMB‘s reputation : IRU WKHLU WDVWLQJ DELOLWLHV ZH FDQ
our independence, our rigor and the profes- JXDUDQWHH UHOLDEOH UHVXOWV WKDW DUH
sionalism of our judges. UHFRJQLVHG E\ WKH LQGXVWU\ DQG
We have no plans to replace sommeliers
with robots and even less to replace tasters popular with consumers.
with machines. According to our philosophy, 2XU TXHVW IRU UHOLDELOLW\ DQG
both the service of wines and the art of tasting promotion of the Concours
cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence.
They are an integral part of the world of wine Mondial de Bruxelles
and give it its superior dimension. HQGRUVHPHQW DUH WKH SULPDU\
missions of our organisation.
The Concours Mondial de Bruxelles always Thomas Costenoble
tries to support award-winning companies
with his dedicate communication and also by
offering them new commercial opportunities. Ritter and the CMB team of the competition
The opening of a first CMB wine bar in Mexi- are obtained by processing the statistics so
co, the development of a marketing platform that they can be weighted according to how
in China and the organization of many CMB severe or generous a taster is overall. The final
events all over the world (Wine Paris in France, score will be based on the average of the stan-
Buy Wine in Italy, Tokyo wine complex in Ja- dardised marks. Extreme marks are therefore
pan…) are concrete actions offered to produ- not systematically eliminated. Only abnormal
cers in order to open up to new markets. values are removed.
The CMB is also a large family that brings to- Every year, a full, argued report on the tas-
gether wine professionals of international re- ting sessions has been sent to all the tasters
putation coming from all parts of the industry: after the competition in order to define their
sommeliers, wine distributors, wne dealers, profile as a taster.
wine journalists… It is based on how severe or generous they
By their presence and involvement, they be- are, how consistent their results are with tho-
come the ambassadors of the Concours Mon- se of the other tasters on his panel, on his abi-
dial de Bruxelles and the guarantors of the lity to distinguish correctly (i.e. use the entire
quality of the prize-winning wines. tasting sheet) and also on his repeatability.
To this end, several times we have put two
STATISTICS ROCKS! identical samples into one of the flights you
The CMB has been working with the Stati- will be tasting every day. The aim of this is
stics Institute at Louvain University for more obviously not to trap the tasters but to make
than 15 years to improve the reliability of re- the results of the competition as reliable as
sults. The results of the team of Prof. Christian possible. ƅ