P. 375


        represents. Wine lovers should know that the  different countries have served on the annual
        medal was awarded by experts, by the “crème  juries. For the past five years the competition
        de la crème” of the wine world and are there-  has been averaging around 2000 entries annu-
        fore trustworthy.                        ally (with the exception of 2020, when entries
          We all acknowledge that there lies commer-  were down 25%).
        cial value in a  medal - however, the award   The reputation and ultimate goal of interna-
        sticker also represents an international set of  tional competitions
        values to which each international wine com-  By general definition, an international wine
        petition should aspire.                  competition is one which accepts wines from
          One of any worthwhile competition’s big-  other countries than the competition’s home
        gest assets is its judges - which was my ulti-  country. I would like to add to that definition
        mate reason for creating the Michelangelo  that a  minimum percentage of the judges
        in 1997. I  believe that a  country’s wines are  must be from outside the home country, and
        best evaluated by an objective, neutral panel  thirdly, that internationally recognised sco-
        of judges who have no vested interest in the  ring and judging systems are used. This inclu-
        outcome.                                 des the standard internationally acceptable
          The Michelangelo is the only competition in  100-point system.
        South Africa with more than 80% judges from   Limited budgets may put the brakes on
        outside the country. Our judges are hand-pic-  wineries’ choices of which competitions to
        ked experts from every continent and from  support - the size and the prestige of the com-
        every level of the global wine industry. Since  petition, its history and the value-add for its
        the Michelangelo competition’s creation in  winners are all significant considerations. This
        1997, a total of 228 individual judges from 47  is the business of every international compe-
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