P. 374


                                 Lorraine Immelman
                                 Founder and director of Michelangelo International Wine & Spirits
                                 Awards (South Africa), the leading wine competition in Africa.
                                 25 years later, it is considered one of the top wine and spirits
                                 competitions with international recognition. Lorraine holds
                                 a Masters degree in Communication (Media and Journalism)
                                 from the Rand Afrikaans University and an Advanced Diploma
                                 in Marketing Management from the SA Institute of Marketing
                                 Management. Lorraine worked as TV journalist and news
                                 producer,  editor and publisher with various newspapers, and
                                 also founder of two trade magazines.

                     WINE AWARDS, CAPE TOWN

          Wine competitions are a  living tool in the  brand awareness and create some hype for
        hand of the winemaker, the wine marketer  their wines. Likewise, the informed wine con-
        and also the wine consumer: wine producers  sumer recognises and understands the value
        depend on ratings and good reviews to assist  of these awards, represented by a sticker on
        in their sales and marketing strategies. They  a bottle of wine.
        especially depend on accolades from recogni-
        sed, high profile wine competitions to drive  THE VALUE OF WINE COMPETITIONS
                                                   The producer’s ultimate goal when entering
                                                 a competition is obtaining those medal stic-
                                                 kers for the wine bottles which will catch the
                                                 eye of consumers. The award should tell the
                                                 consumer that the wine was awarded a medal
                                                 by a sound jury under the banner of a credi-
                                                 ble, reputable competition which adds value
                                                 to the wine. An award gives the producer
                                                 bragging rights, it enforces the reputation of
                                                 the winery and allows the wine to stand out
                                                 among its peers.
                                                   Following the devastation left in the wake of
                                                 the global Corona pandemic, the wine indust-
                                                 ry has never been in greater need of credible
                                                 and well-organised wine competitions.
                                                   The future of international wine compe-
                                                 titions lies squarely in the hands of the pe-
                                                 ople who own and organize them. It is our
                                                 responsibility to ensure that wine producers
                                                 and marketers continue to see value in endor-
                                                 sing our competition, while consumers need
                                                 to understand what the medal award sticker
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