P. 369
We must never forget
that the winegrowers
trust us, trust the juries and the
whole competition. We have
Christine Collins
news and to react every year. We should never
do a copy and paste. Comfort is the enemy of
I never forget that the winegrowers trust us
again but also to find new customers, to intro- and trust the juries. We have a common re-
duce them to exceptional wines. sponsibility. ƅ
Juries and Winegrowers must make the
effort and take the time to form and educate
the customers.
Due to French law, no competition organi-
zed in France, be it a national competition or an
international competition, can award a Grand
Gold Medal, Double Gold. In Strasbourg we
award Gold and Silver Medals. However, we
can give special prizes. Thus, just like our
colleagues of VINOFED, Le Mondial des Vins
Blancs Strasbourg (www.mondial-vins-blancs.
com) has chosen to award “Dry Wine” Trophies
for wines whose residual sugar is less than or
equal to 4g, and which have obtained the best
score in their category.
Over the past few years, I have noticed an
increase in the quality of the wines presented.
According to the strict standards of the Inter-
national Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV)
and one of the conditions to obtain the presti-
gious coveted patronage, only 30% of the
wines will be able to obtain a medal. In other
words, consecrated wines are truly the „crème
de la crème”.
To maintain the confidence of winegrowers,
it is essential that international competitions
recruit expert juries based in their respective One of the few people, who had the opportunity to
countries, because they are at the source and enjoy victory and the champion title in Strasbourg
know very well the issues and expectations of in person was Jaro Ostrožovič from Slovak part of
winegrowers. Tokaj Region in 2018. And he really knows how to
They allow us to stay at the heart of the rejoice!