P. 368
Christine Collins
As a 20+ years long Project Manager at Strasbourg Evenements
and the Congress Centre she brought up an international wine
competition Riesling du Monde. Her job became a passion. She
is the taster with the highest level diploma from CIVA. After she
retires in August 2018, she created her company, because of
her passion for the organisation of wine events (Competitions,
oenotourism-seminars in Alsace, wine tastings). She remains
Consultant and Organiser of Le Mondial des Vins Blancs
Strasbourg. „The consultancy job is fantastic! If there is
a solution to a problem, there is no problem!“
With her husband Dave, they are international jury experts to
numerous and prestigious wine competitions all over the world.
Le Mondial Des Vins Blancs Strasbourg
This is what I have to say keywords! You must think long term, which
The Mondial des Vins Blancs Strasbourg is creates an energy that allows you to pick your-
a member of VINOFED (World Federation of self up when you fail.
Great Wine and Spirits Competitions). The juries: a real close-knit team, which is
In 2020, we were forced by sanitary reasons a source of proposals throughout the year.
to change the competition date twice. What was a real pleasure was to see the in-
The competition organised at the Palais des credible mobilization of wine brotherhoods,
Congrès in Strasbourg, by Strasbourg Events/ sommeliers and oenologists. Everyone wan-
GL Events Group, was finally held in October ted us to succeed in this competition. I belie-
and was a real success considering the special ve that everyone gave the best of themselves!
health standards. which leads me to say that no matter what, we
In events, adaptation and reaction are the are never alone!
who have ob-
tained medals
are obliged to
reinvent distri-
bution chan-
nels. There are
a lot of local ini-
tiatives. The wi-
negrowers have
their file of re-
gular customers
which enabled
them to with-
stand the cris-
is. But winegro-
wers need to go
to salons to see
their customers