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        the country of origin and of the place where gra-  ples with the registration form and the official
        pes were harvested and where the spirituous be-  documents accompanying them. Attention shall
        verages of vitivinicultural origin were made.  be paid to the correct use of appellations of ori-
          All these products must be destined for sale   gin and geographic indications. Samples which
        and must be from a homogeneous batch of at   do not respond with the provisions of the pre-
        least 1000 litres. On an exceptional basis, a re-  sent standard shall be rejected.
        duced volume, of at least 100 litres, may be ad-  2. Samples must be stored in a  secure place
        mitted upon justification of a  particularly low   under temperature and atmospheric conditions
        production. All samples must be presented with   guaranteeing preservation.
        labels and commercial presentation. If the pro-
        duct was packaged specifically for the competi-  Article 6: CLASSIFICATION AND ORGANISA-
        tion, the sample shall be accompanied by expla-  TION OF SAMPLES PRESENTED
        natory documents justifying the status.    After testing, based on the registration docu-
                                                 ments and analysis certificates, subject to the
          Article 4: REGISTRATION PROCEDURE      accuracy of the registration in each category,
          The registration form for each sample must   the samples shall generally be presented to the
        include:                                 jury, in each category, in the order of vintages
          z the complete and exact identification of the   whilst taking into account the contents of sugars
        participant who has the right to market or dis-  and, where relevant, according to the wooded or
        tribute the batch corresponding to the samples  unwooded characteristics.
          z the exact designation of the product, in
        accordance with the regulations of the country of   Article 7: DESIGNATION OF JURORS
        origin, the colour as concerns wines, and if pos-   1. The organiser responsible for the competiti-
        sible, the vintage and indication of age and  any   on shall designate the jurors. The organiser  may
        possible contact with wood               ask the O.I.V. to suggest names of experts from
          z the category of the product, in accordan-  different countries.
        ce with Annex 1  (at  2. The samples shall be evaluated by interna-
        medias/4661/oiv-concours-332a-2009-en.pdf),   tional juries, whose numbers shall be set accor-
                        sub-groups may be further   ding to the nature of wine and spirituous be-
                        divided or regrouped, at the   verages of vitivinicultural origin presented at the
                        discretion of the organiser,   competition.
                        the analysis certificates, in   3. In a jury, it is appropriate to respect a gre-
                        conformity with Annex II,   at geographic dispersion in the origin of the ju-
                        carried out by an accredited   rors. Within the same jury, the absolute majority
                        laboratory or by a  compe-  of the jurors may not come from the organiser
        tent laboratory in conformity with the laws of the   country. It is desirable that one of the jurors re-
        country or certified by an oenologist1 in charge   present a mainly consumer country.
        of the wine cellar,                        4. In principle, each jury shall be composed of
          z grape variety (ies) and their percentage in   7 jurors, of which a maximum of three nationals
        wine and, if necessary, in spirituous beverages  of   may be from the organising country. In any case,
        vitivinicultural origin,                 the number of jurors can not be less than 5 of
          z the quantity of the sample available.  which a maximum of two nationals from the or-
                                                 ganising country.
          Article 5: TESTING AND STORAGE OF SAMP-  All the jurors shall have tasting technique skills
        LES RECEIVED                             and the majority of jurors shall be oenologists or
          1. The organiser shall verify the receipt of sam-  persons with an equivalent diploma in the field
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