P. 357
...and a very important aspect - What does standards set by a supranational organisation
VINOFED mean and why are the Vinofed representing wine-growing nations. That‘s so-
competitions so reliable and trustworthy? mething serious and trustworthy which you
You‘re the only one introducing this fan- can expect at Vinofed competitions. So, in any
tastic umbrella organisation to the general of these competitions, you can be sure that
public! you‘re in the best of hands.
Vinofed is the amalgamation of most of the Even others introduce this association to the
competitions operating under the patronage public. Perhaps the size of the 3 events Berlin,
of the OIV. In other words, they are carried Asia and Portugal simply gives the impression
out under the same requirements and quality that we put a particularly strong emphasis on
standards and with the highest official quality this. ƅ
Chan Jun Park
Chan Jun is a Korean engaging in a wide variety of activities
in the wine industry. As Asia Director of Asia Wine Trophy, the
only OIV wine competition in Asia, Initiator and Director of
Asia Wine Conference, Vice-President of Korea International
Sommelier Association, Wine Writer and Educator, he is the
most internationally active Korean.“
I think wine competitions will go back to
their place where they were when the pande-
mic is over because they are a powerful marke-
ting tool which the wine producers need. From
our experience, we know that consumers also
prefer award-winning wines. I don‘t think that
the wine competitions technically will change
at the time of Covid-19. It does not make sen-
se that robots serve the wines at the moment.
More important is the security of the judges
which can be provided by following the safety
rules. The Asia Wine Trophy, the largest wine
competition in Asia, will not be replaced by
any individual rating. It is a competition under
the Patronage of OIV and VinoFed, organized
by DWM in cooperation with Daejeon Inter-
national Marketing Enterprise (DIME). We are
happy about excellent media coverage, done
by about 30 media representatives of the most Winning an exotic competition can also bring a po-
important trade media in Asia. We are very sition on the front page. And that‘s a strong marke-
proud of this. ƅ ting argument!