P. 360


                                      OIV STANDARD

                             FOR INTERNATIONAL

                             WINE COMPETITIONS

                             AND SPIRITUOUS BEVERAGES
                             OF VITIVINICULTURAL ORIGIN

          Article 1: DEFINITION AND OBJECTIVES     For these competitions, the O.I.V. appoints an
          The present standard provides that “competiti-  expert commissioner for the competitions. He/
        ons” refer to competitions with previously regis-  she participates in the works of the different
        tered wine or spirituous beverages of vitivinicul-  juries. He/she has the duty of verifying that ru-
        tural origin which are eligible to be granted an   les enacted by the present standard are abided.
        award based on quality. The quality is evaluated   The Organiser must, prior to or simultaneously
        by a qualified jury and the competition is carried   to the conducting of the competition, allow the
        out in strict compliance to the provisions set out   commissioner to access all useful information by
        in the present standard.                 putting a technically competent person at his/
          The objective of the international competition   her disposal. He/she draws up a detailed report
        shall be:                                for the O.I.V. on the conducting of the competi-
          z o promote knowledge of wine and spiritu-  tion. Based on this report, the O.I.V. may make
        ous beverages of vitivinicultural of outstanding   recommendations and may cancel sponsorship
        quality,                                 before the forecasted deadline.
          z o encourage their production and respon-  Only those competitions sponsored by the
        sible consumption as an active part of civilisati-  O.I.V. are authorised to use the name,  abbrevi-
        on,                                      ation the logo of the International Organisation
          z o  make  known and present  characte -  of Vine and Wine under the conditions set out in
        ristic types of wine and spirituous beverages of   the above-mentioned guidelines. The competiti-
        vitivinicultural origin, produced in various count-  ons are presented on the O.I.V. internet site.
        ries, to the public,
          z o raise the technical and scientific level of   2-2: Other competitions
        producers,                                 The organisers of other competitions which
          z o contribute to the expansion of their pro-  use all or part of the present standard may under
        duction,                                 no conditions make reference to the O.I.V.
                                                   The O.I.V. shall take action it deems opportune
          Article 2: FIELD OF APPLICATION        to prevent the improper use of it name, abbrevi-
                                                 ation or logo.
          2-1. Competitions sponsored by the OIV
          Without prejudice to stricter rules, the pre-  Article 3: PRODUCTS ELIGIBLE TO COMPETE
        sent standard applies to competitions which call   The competition is open, without discrimina-
        upon the sponsorship of the O.I.V. The conditions   tion, to all wines and vitivinicultural spirits, in
        for granting sponsorship are defined by the gui-  accordance with the definitions of the “Internati-
        delines as provided in the Internal Rules of the   onal Code of Oenological Practices” of the
        O.I.V.                                     O.I.V. All products must have an indication of
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