Page 1 - Microsoft Word - 2017-08-30
P. 1

               IMMEDIATE CONTEXT

               The site is brownfield in nature, having previously been part of the Smurfit
               Printworks, which occupied both the subject site and the adjoining site to the north.
               However, the factory closed in 2001, and all the former industrial buildings on the
               subject site were demolished c. 2007, leaving it clear for redevelopment.

               The site measures c. 2.02 hectares in area, is roughly rectangular in shape (c. 240m
               from east to west and c. 80m from north to south) and has a generally flat
               topography consisting of the concrete floor slab which remained alter demolition of
               the buildings. The only landscape feature is a line of lime trees along Botanic Road.
               The site is bound to the south and east by the rear gardens of houses on lona Road
               & lona Park, to the west by Botanic Road and to the north by the remaining
               Printworks industrial buildings.
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