Page 15 - CBI and Williams
P. 15

Full-time employees: Employees who are regularly scheduled to work at least 30 hours per
               week are full-time employees.


               Your entitlement to earn overtime pay depends on whether you are classified as an exempt or
               a nonexempt employee.

               Exempt employees are those who do not earn overtime because they are exempt from the
               overtime provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and applicable state laws.

               Nonexempt employees are those who meet the criteria for being covered by the overtime
               provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and applicable state laws.

               If you are uncertain about which category you fall into, speak to a Human Resources Team


               YOUR DAY TO DAY

               In this arrangement, your day to day work environment and your work responsibilities are
               managed by the client, while we handle all of the human resource management, and benefits
               administration for you, such as:

                     critical HR service responsibilities such as payroll, benefits and workers’ compensation
                     access to high quality health care and other benefits
                     access to our supportive Human Resource Service Team members
                     provide basic employment training using both online and classroom venues

               PERSONNEL FILES

               We maintain personnel files for all employees.  These files contain documentation regarding all

               aspects of the employee’s tenure with us, including performance appraisals, benefit forms, tax
               forms, change of status records, and counseling notices.  The personnel file belongs to us.
               Active employees, however, may request to review the contents of the file by contacting the
               Human Resource Service Team and scheduling an in-person appointment.

               To ensure that your personnel file is up-to-date at all times, employees must notify the Human
               Resource Service Team of any changes of name, phone number, address, marital status,
               number of dependents, beneficiary designations, emergency contact information, and so forth.

               Changes in these categories may affect income tax and benefit status.  Documentation may be

               Checks and Balances, Inc.                     11                                         1/2017

               Disclaimer: This Handbook contains internal confidential propriety information.  The policies can change at any time, for any
               reason, without warning.
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