Page 17 - CBI and Williams
P. 17
Unemployment compensation insurance is based on a dual program of federal and state
statutes so unemployment compensation may be administered differently according to
individual state regulations.
The workweek for most work assignments begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. The
method of timekeeping used is based on the client's preference, which can range from paper
timesheets to electronic systems. The Human Resource Service Team Members will acquaint
you with the timekeeping process that you will be using.
Your timesheet is the official record of time worked. It is your responsibility to ensure that it is
properly completed, signed, dated, and submitted to the authorized on-site supervisor for
approval by the scheduled deadline. Failure to do so may result in a delay in pay. Time records
are subject to review and approval. Falsifying time records is grounds for immediate dismissal.
Employee Timesheet Guidelines:
Input time information neatly and make sure that the timesheet is filled out completely.
Be sure to sign and date the timesheet and have the authorized on-site supervisor sign
and date as well. Timesheets without the required signatures will not be accepted.
Be sure to record all hours worked. “Off –the-clock” work is strictly prohibited.
Breaks of 20 minutes or less is considered time worked and should not be deducted
from your time record
Meal and break periods of 30 minutes or more is unpaid time and should be recorded
on your time record as unpaid time.
Blank timesheets may be obtained from the Human Resource Service Team. Completed and
approved timesheets must be sent to the Human Resource Service Team at Checks and
Balances, Inc. either by fax or e-mail as indicated on the timesheet. When possible, employees
and clients are strongly encouraged to submit timesheets by e-mail.
According to the assignment, generally, employees are paid on a weekly or bi-weekly basis each
Thursday or Friday. On occasion a client’s workweek and pay period will differ and not
reconcile to the Company's standard workweek. In those cases, the client’s workweek and pay
Checks and Balances, Inc. 13 1/2017
Disclaimer: This Handbook contains internal confidential propriety information. The policies can change at any time, for any
reason, without warning.