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Listed below are examples of offenses which we consider inappropriate and which may be
               grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including removal from an assignment and/or possible

               termination of employment.  These offenses include, but are not limited to the following:

                  Continued or gross neglect of duty            Use of bribery to secure advantage

                  Abuse of company, client, or co-worker        Excessive tardiness or absenteeism

                  Continued neglect of the company’s or         Failure to give proper notice of absence or
                    client’s policies and procedures               tardiness

                  Falsification, misrepresentation, and/or      Failure to follow company policies including
                    omission of facts in gaining employment        but not limited to Drug-free Workplace, Social
                                                                   Media, Workplace Violence, Health and
                                                                   Safety, and other company policies

                  Insubordination, refusal to accept or         Making or permitting a false work-related
                    comply with orders or directions from          document, including falsification of work
                    proper authority, or failure to perform        hours and/or supervisor signature
                    reasonable duties which are assigned

                  Violation of the company’s Harassment,        Theft or unauthorized use, possession, or
                    Workplace Violence, Health and Safety,         removal of equipment, materials, trade secrets,
                    Drug-free Workplace, Social Media, and         or proprietary information or any item or
                    other company policies                         system owned by Checks and Balances, Inc.
                                                                   and/or our clients

               It is important that we work together to protect our integrity and reputation.  We strive to
               foster an environment of open communication with our employees.  If you have any questions,
               concerns or violations to report, you are encouraged to contact your Human Resource Service
               Team Members to have them addressed promptly.  The information will be kept confidential to
               the maximum extent possible.  Any retaliation against an individual making a complaint or
               assisting in the investigation of a complaint is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.


               We are an equal opportunity employer committed to a work environment in which all
               individuals are treated with respect and dignity.  We believe that each individual has the right
               Checks and Balances, Inc.                     17                                         1/2017

               Disclaimer: This Handbook contains internal confidential propriety information.  The policies can change at any time, for any
               reason, without warning.
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