Page 443 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 443

BB Chevy Wet Sump Oil Pans (Cont.)                 SB Ford Rear Sump Pan
                 “Pro Eliminator” Pan                               MOR20511
                 MOR20385                                            Popular rear sump oil pan, compatible
                  Fabricated aluminum wet                           with 1979-up Mustang/Capri and 1981-88 T-Bird/Cougar,
                 sump pan for Super Class,                          has a 9" deep sump with oil retention system and accepts 3.400"
                 Competition Eliminator and                         stroke with steel rods. Pan has a 7 quart capacity and is compat-
                 bracket classes, has an 8"                         ible with most starter/flywheel combinations.
                 deep sump with a double kick-out to clear up to      Part No.               Description
                 4.750" stroke with aluminum rods. Louvered windage tray offers   Pickup Required:
                 superior oil control. Pan has a 7 quart capacity and is designed   MOR24516  When Using Stock Or Melling MELM68/M68HV Oil Pumps
                 for use with 168-tooth flywheels or flexplates. Crossmember may
                 require modification.
                                                                    Chrysler “A” Engine
                   Part No.                Description              Deep Sump Pans
                 Pickup Required:
                   MOR24440  When Using Stock, MOR22150, MOR22160 Or MOR22162 Pump  Increased sump area insures
                                                                    adequate oil supply (8 quart) for small block
                                                                    Chrysler engines. Fits most production chassis.
                 “Pro Eliminator” Pan                               Built-in baffles keep oil in the sump area during acceleration.
                 MOR21600                                           Compatible with most starter/flywheel combinations.
                  Fabricated aluminum, box                            Part No.               Description
                 style pan has double kickout,                       MOR20710      Clear Zinc Plated Steel Pan, Fits 273-340 Engines
                 crank scraper and uni-direction-                    MOR20730        Clear Zinc Plated Steel Pan, Fits 360 Engines
                 al windage tray to fit Super class or               Pickup Required:
                 bracket cars with no crossmember under engine. Billet end caps   MOR24700  When Using Stock Or Chrysler 2468489 Pump
                 assure exceptional fit and seal, and pan rails are stock width to fit
                 Mark IV and aftermarket big blocks with 2-piece rear main seal.   Chrysler “B”/“RB” Engine Deep Sump Pans
                 8" deep sump holds 6-7 quarts.
                   Part No.               Description
                                                                     Reduce oil temperature
                 Pickup Required:
                   MOR24440  When Using Stock, MOR22150, MOR22160 Or MOR22162 Pump  and increase the oil capacity (7
                                                                    quart) of any Chrysler “B”/“RB” or 426
                                                                    “street” Hemi engine. Built-in baffle keeps
                 SB Ford Kicked Out                                 oil in the pickup area and insures an ad-
                 Front Sump Pans                                    equate oil supply. Fits most 1962 and newer production chassis.
                  Clear zinc coated pans hold                         Part No.               Description
                 7 quarts and fit all Ford/Mercury                   Pickup Required:
                 cars or trucks. Internal trap door baffling keeps    MOR24750   When Using Stock “B”/“RB” Oil Pumps With 3/8"-18 Threads
                 oil in the pickup under hard acceleration. Sump is 8"   MOR24800  When Using Stock Hemi Oil Pumps With 1/2"-14 Threads
                 deep and will clear most starter/flywheel combinations.
                   Part No.               Description               Pontiac Wet Sump Pan MOR20500
                  MOR20502      Clear Zinc Plated Steel Pan, Fits 289-302 Engines
                                                                     Deep sump increases capacity,
                  MOR20507       Clear Zinc Plated Steel Pan, Fits 351W Engines  reduces oil temperature and pro-
                 Pickup Required:                                   motes adequate oil supply. Baffle
                   MOR24520       When Using MOR20502 Pan And Stock Pump  retains oil in sump area. Works with most starter/
                   MOR24507       When Using MOR20507 Pan And Stock Pump  flywheel combinations. Fits all 301-455 engines used
                                                                    in 1967-81 Firebird and 1964-87 mid and full size cars.
                 SB Ford 351W Extra Deep Sump Pan                     Part No.               Description
                 MOR20520                                           Pickup Required:
                  Pan for 351W engines boosts                        MOR24482            When Using 3/4" Inlet Pump
                 oil capacity to seven quarts
                 and will help decrease oil                         Pontiac Deep Sump Pan MOR20490
                 temperature. Fits all 1979-                         Pontiac oil pan has a 9-3/4"
                 95 Mustang and 1981-88                             deep, eight quart capacity sump
                 Thunderbird/Cougar chassis.                        with incorporated oil retaining
                 Built-in windage tray and crankshaft scraper keep oil off of the   system. Pan provides reduced oil
                 rotating assembly for more horsepower.             temperatures and exceptional oil control. Fits all
                   Part No.                Description              301-455 Pontiac engines fitted to 1967-81 Firebird
                 Pickup Required:                                   and 1964-87 mid- and full-sized chassis. Compatible with most
                   MOR24532  When Using Stock Or Melling MELM83 Or MELM84HV Oil Pumps  starter/flywheel combinations.
                                                                      Part No.               Description
                                                                    Pickup Required:
                                                                      MOR24480      When Using Melling M54DS or M10541 Pump

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