Page 20 - Business Building Guide
P. 20

Prepare  Prepare  Present  Schedule Your Success

          Success is not a destination, it’s a habit. These simple success habits are the shared, proven practices of top leaders in dōTERRA.
          As you integrate them into your life, you will experience the power of daily action compounded over time. Consistent business-
          building, income-generating activities are what create results. Spend at least 70 percent of your time inviting, presenting, and
          enrolling (IPEing). The best way to grow is to have successfully recruited and launched builders who are doing the same.
          Plug into what your upline is providing by way of weekly classes, continuing education, and team calls. Avoid reinventing the
          wheel until it’s the right time for you to take on certain responsibilities.

             Daily: Prepare and Share                             Weekly: Present, Enroll, and Support
             •  Use your products                                 •  Intro to Oils class(es) or 1:1(s)
             •  Personal development                              •  Intro to Build class(es) or 1:1(s)
             •  Contact, sample, follow up                        •  Wellness Consults
             •  Schedule interactions classes and one-on-ones     •  Attend and promote Continuing Education
                                                                  •  Attend team call
                                                                  •  Strategy Sessions

                                                                  •  Place a 125+ PV LRP order
                                                                  •  Set goals, track progress with rank/Power of 3 planners
                                                                  •  Enroll 4+ customers and 1+ builder
                                                                  •  Attend business training

                                                                  •  Attend and invite to events:
                                                                  •  Global Convention
                                                                  •  Leadership Retreat
                                                                  •  Regional events
             Ask yourself these questions:                        •  Incentive Trip

             •  Who can I share a product experience with?
               Share a sample and follow up.
             •  Who would be open to learning about essential oils?          10%     20%
               Invite to an Intro to Oils class or 1:1.                                               Prepare
             •  Who attended a presentation and is ready to enroll?
               Help enroll with a kit and schedule a Wellness Consult.                                Support
             •  Who needs a Wellness Consult?
               Schedule a Wellness Consult and commit to LRP.                     70%                 You & Your
             •  Who is ready for an introduction to the business?                                     Builders IPEing
               Invite to an Intro to Build class or 1:1.
             •  Who is loving their oils and would host a class?
               Invite to host. Schedule an Intro to Host conversation.
             •  Who is ready to launch their business?              P          I        P         E         S
               Introduce 5 Steps to Success during an Intro to Launch.
                                                                                   Focus Here

                            Business Building Guide
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