Page 51 - Mercy College_BarrandBarr_7.26.17
P. 51
Mercy College DD Estimate
Victory Hall Addition / Renovation 07/26/17
Dobbs Ferry, New York
1134 Crushed stone 8 CY $26.00 $216
1135 Backfill from cast 113 CY $16.00 $1,801
1136 Load, haul & dispose of excess material off-site 4 CY $40.00 $163
1137 Retaining Wall #1
1138 Retaining Wall Footing 4'-10 w x 1'-0 d 96 LF
1139 Excavation to cast 213 CY $12.00 $2,559
1140 Grade & compact 848 SF $2.00 $1,695
1141 Crushed stone 16 CY $26.00 $408
1142 Backfill from cast 195 CY $16.00 $3,124
1143 Load, haul & dispose of excess material off-site 18 CY $40.00 $721
1144 Retaining Wall #2
1145 Retaining Wall Footing 4'-10 w x 1'-0 d 50 LF
1146 Excavation to cast 111 CY $12.00 $1,333
1147 Grade & compact 442 SF $2.00 $883
1148 Crushed stone 8 CY $26.00 $213
1149 Backfill from cast 98 CY $16.00 $1,570
1150 Load, haul & dispose of excess material off-site 13 CY $40.00 $519
1151 Retaining Wall Footing 2'-10 w x 1'-0 d @ Hillside seating 68 LF
1152 Excavation to cast 128 CY $12.00 $1,541
1153 Grade & compact 464 SF $2.00 $929
1154 Crushed stone 9 CY $26.00 $224
1155 Backfill from cast 121 CY $16.00 $1,935
1156 Load, haul & dispose of excess material off-site 7 CY $40.00 $299
1157 Grading
1158 Rough grading 56,314 SF $0.38 $21,118
1159 Fine grading 56,314 SF $0.75 $42,236
1160 Rough grading for Hillside seating 25,796 SF $0.38 $9,674
1161 Fine grading for Hillside seating 25,796 SF $0.75 $19,347
1162 Geotextile filter fabric under Hillside seating precast blocks 15,319 SF $0.75 $11,489
1163 Erosion Control
1164 Stone construction entrance 1,042 SF $2.00 $2,084
1165 Silt fence 292 LF $3.75 $1,095
1166 Silt fence @ Hillside seating 442 LF $3.75 $1,658
1167 Inlet protection 9 EA $400.00 $3,600
1168 Aggregates
1169 Crushed stone under concrete paving, 8" 260 CY $40.00 $10,398
1170 Crushed stone under bituminous concrete paving, 6" 53 CY $40.00 $2,105
1171 Crushed stone under slabs on grade, 12" 328 CY $40.00 $13,114
1172 Crushed stone under Hillside concrete paving, 8" 56 CY $40.00 $2,255
1173 Crushed stone under Hillside retaining wall footing, 6" 3 CY $40.00 $134
1174 Crushed stone under Hillside concrete stairs on grade 39 CY $40.00 $1,540
1175 Crushed stone under Hillside seating precast blocks 266 CY $40.00 $10,620
1176 Utilities
1177 Storm Drainage
1178 Drain Manholes, 1 EA
1179 Structure excavation to cast 27 CY $12.00 $320
1180 Structure grade & compact 64 SF $2.00 $128
1181 Structure crushed stone 2 CY $40.00 $95
1182 Structure backfill from cast 24 CY $14.00 $333
1183 Load & haul excess off site 3 CY $50.00 $145
1184 5' Diameter precast concrete sections 4 VF $350.00 $1,400
1185 5' Diameter rings 1 EA $550.00 $550
1186 Leveling brick 31 EA $6.00 $188
1187 CI frame & cover 1 EA $425.00 $425
1188 Outlet Control Structure, 1 EA
1189 Structure excavation to cast 120 CY $12.00 $1,440
1190 Structure grade & compact 144 SF $2.00 $288
1191 Structure crushed stone 5 CY $40.00 $213
1192 Structure backfill from cast 117 CY $14.00 $1,639
1193 Load & haul excess off site 3 CY $50.00 $145
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