Page 93 - Mercy College_BarrandBarr_7.26.17
P. 93
Due to the aggressive schedule the abatement/remediation work is
the critical path item that will drive when actual construction can
start for a majority of the work. With this in mind we developed a
phased construction schedule that works in conjunction with the
Logistics Planning.
Th e remediation work would be an early release package so that
the cleanup work can begin allowing the Gymnasium (Part C)
to be ready for construction once the West Entrance (A), Studio
Connector (B) and the Public Toilets and Offi ces (C) are well
Overlapping activities is how we propose to shorten the duration of
construction. Part A, B and C (public toilets and offi ces only) and
the underground detention basin would commence at approximately
the same time. Th is allows the work fl ow to prioritize completion
of (Part B) and get a large portion of the underground utility
work completed early. Next, would be to open (Part A) the west
addition entrance followed by (Part C) (public toilets and offi ces).
Staggering the work in this fashion allows the sequencing of the
work to be effi cient. Th e demolition work for Part C will commence
immediately after the remediation work is complete allowing for
the trades to fl ow right into the Part C work after completing A
and B. Th is minimizes demobilization and remobilization of the
trades that would be required otherwise.
Please refer to the following pages of Logistics Plans for a
graphic representation of our initial proposed construction
logistics and sequencing.