Page 9 - Barr&Barr_Technical Proposal
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Our monthly executive and budget reports were issued in a timely and commissioning of the equipment. Th e system was delivered
fashion. Barr & Barr updated the team on the project status of to the site team for their installation. Barr & Barr completed the
fi nancials with fi nal projections, schedule, hot items, critical owner building tie in and commissioning of the system.
decisions, change order and potential exposures. We kept full
transparency on all deliverables for the project to the owner. Temporary Hot water system: Th e building hot water system was
to work with a heat exchange provided by the Ground Source
We produced a very detailed P6 schedule which refl ected not only Heating System(GSHS). Th e GSHS was provided by a Cornell
our activities but also the responsibilities of the design team and vendor. During the commissioning of the GSHS system in
Owner highlighting critical milestone dates. Early on our schedule cooling mode, there was an anomaly in producing hot water.
refl ected impacts such as late permitting, rock excavations and Th is directly aff ected Cornell’s ability to open their café as they
discovered electrical and water services. Th e issuance of several could not produce the minimum 100 degree water to satisfy
bulletins and the incorporation of almost 500 ASIs made for DoH. While the design team, controls and GSHS contractors
challenges to keeping schedule. Our schedule became fl uid to the reviewed the system Barr & Barr off ered and implemented a
ongoing design and owner revisions. Our team, working hand in solution to use a temporary hot water heater as the means to heat
hand with the owner and architect, was the driving force behind the water storage. Th e temporary system is currently in place
the success of the project. We were very proactive in professionally until permanent solutions are resolved.
pushing the signature architect in meeting their time frames on
deliverables and enforcing that the subcontractors were constantly Photo Voltaic and Food Service: Barr & Barr scope was expanded
updated on the decisions. We were a constant force behind this to oversee and manage the installation of the campus wide PV
process, ensuring timely decisions in order not to impact our schedule. installation as well as the Bloomberg café food service equipment.
We were constantly tracking and updating the team on where and
how the schedule was being impacted. Sequencing and recovery Description of the coordination with adjacent developments
options were always reviewed and discussed as a team. or other concurrent projects. If applicable:
Th e Cornell Tech Project consisted of the coordination of four
Our weekly foreman’s meetings maintained direct oversight keeping Construction management fi rms on the 12 acre site. Th ere were
the pressure on the subcontractor base to maintain the quality, several shared activities that had to be coordinated for successful
compliance, proper manpower, safety. Weekly meetings were held completion of the projects.
with subcontractors reviewing safety; submittals and RFIs, manpower
requirements, material delivery dates and logistics. Th ree week look Barging: Th e bridge accessing Roosevelt Island has limited
aheads and critical milestones were reviewed and monitored. MEP capacity. Also Cornell agreements limited use of the bridge
meetings were held weekly to monitor the progress of the BIM model, due to the sizeable construction project. As a result equipment
MEP coordination as well as the integration of the various systems. and materials weighing more than 36 tons were barged to and
Focused meetings were scheduled with the critical contractors to from the Island. Th ere was a coordinated eff ort between the
the project. For example there were bi monthly meetings with the contracting teams to schedule materials such as steel, façade and
façade and the electrical contractors ensuring the contractor was mechanical equipment.
on task and achieving milestones. Our technology and supervision
create very effi cient and organized construction sequencing. Site Logistics Meetings: Coordination of the site was discussed
at a bi-monthly Site Logistics Meeting. Th e Site Logistics meeting
Description of Major Issues and how they were addressed: was an overview of all the construction activities and included
Th e project encountered many major obstacles that were resolved site safety, environmental, schedules, access and egress, barging,
and/or mitigated by Barr & Barr with inclusion of the Design and deliveries, and community events as general and weekly topics.
Owner’s teams. Site safety at each project as well as the site wide safety of the
public segregated from construction was discussed. An injury
Bulletins & ASIs: Th ere were 11 Bulletins and close to 500 ASIs logs were distributed at the meeting. Environmental issues such
that were incorporated into the documents. Th ough some ASIs as dust migration and control, noise and light mitigation, and
represented additional scope to the project some were also the SWPPPs were agenda items. An overall monthly schedule and
completion of the architectural and MEP details. Barr & Barr look ahead was provided by each team member and incorporated
off ered solutions to mitigate impacts by unforeseen conditions. into master schedule. A master schedule update was performed
Rock removal: Early on during the excavation process rock was monthly. Site access, snow removal, temporary facilities, parking,
encountered. Barr & Barr directed the contractor work 10 hour days security were discussed. Th e coordination of equipment and
and weekend to mitigate the rock removal. Barr & Barr requested material barging as well as delivery coordination ( ie. Concrete for
the contractor bring a second drill rig to expedite caissons and piles various sites) was implemented through daily requests including.
thus recapturing some of the fl oat time lost during the rock removal. As Roosevelt Island is an active destination with a vibrant
community, an events calendar was shared denoting community
Steel Sequencing: Due to impacts of the rock removal, Barr & Barr happenings. A granular coordination of the site was held at a
re-sequenced the steel fabrication in order to start the steel sequence weekly Superintendent’s meeting. Th e agenda of this meeting
concurrent with the completion of balance of foundation work. was to organize fi eld eff orts and a weekly look ahead.
Feature wall and Interior Glazing Structural Support: Not all Service Tie-ins: Th e Central Utility Plant and site work package
the architectural component were coordinated with the structural was the responsibility of another construction management
drawings. As a result there were two incidences where Barr & Barr team. Coordinated activities included the electrical, water and
took the initiative to engage an engineer to review the conditions sanitary and storm services and tie in from the CUP or from the
and come up with the structural support systems required to install site. Campus wide low voltage requirements for telephone, data,
the interior glazing at the gallerias and design a structural tube security and fi re alarm were coordinated with Cornell and the
system to support the atrium feature wall in the lobby. other CM fi rms to ensure the campus is contiguous.
Rainwater Harvesting Tank: Th e design and purchase of the
rainwater harvesting tank required for the Bloomberg Center was
stalled during site excavation. Barr & Barr negotiated the purchase