Page 10 - Barr&Barr_Technical Proposal
P. 10
UMass Amherst
Integrative Learning Center, Amherst, MA
A. Prior Experience
Start Date: June 2012
Completion Date: October 2014
Project Manager: Jason Miner
Project Superintendents: Rick Budnar / Mark Fulton
Original Contract Value at Award: $72 M
Final Contract Value: $81 M
% of total cost of project that was abatement and demolition: 1.23%
GSF: 178,000 SF
Size of the Site in Acres: 4 Acres
Description of the actual work the fi rm managed and self-performed:
Th e four story Integrative Learning Center consists of a mix of department faculty offi ce space, teaching labs, long distance learning
classrooms, a fully operational Broadcast Studio, Black Box Journalism Studio and classrooms. Th ere are specialized rooms for
fi lm editing, fi lm screening, speech perception, computer labs and auditory phonetics labs. Th e classroom space consists of 17 high
technology classrooms and lecture halls with a total capacity of over 2,000 seats. Th e AV systems are state-of-the-art which is
showcased in every teaching lab, classroom space, lecture hall and fi lm screening rooms.
Th e project included a signifi cant utility corridor component that created a campus bypass loop for steam, chilled water, power and
telecommunication. Th e project also included the removal and replacement of the dike and spillway for the Campus Pond. Working
within the requirements of the Corp of Engineers and the local conservation commission, this work was accomplished seamlessly
resulting in an on time and under budget project.
Th is project included a major site utility relocation. All the existing underground utilities were modeled through (BIM) and used
as a tool for subcontractors in preparing the most accurate and complete bid packages for this project.
A major challenge of this project was the 30’ of supported earth excavations for the lower levels within 15’ of the most active
campus road through the University. Also adjacent to the new building were two major laboratory buildings with ongoing long term
experiments that could not be moved. During preconstruction Barr & Barr created a logistics plan and a means and methods of
construction that would ensure 24/7 monitoring of vibration and noise so the Labs were not aff ected. Th ese systems were monitored
and if we came close to tolerance levels our staff would receive phone text alerts and the work would stop immediately. Th is went
on throughout the entire project ensuring that levels were never exceeded which was critical.