Page 15 - Barr&Barr_Technical Proposal
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4. MBE/WBE Participation: I would evaluate this as a rating project developed. Th e team worked closely to coordinate the
of 1-5. Elaborate here: Barr & Barr through its subcontractor various disciplines. Th e team’s experience, energy, and attention
lists and market contacts utilized MBE/WBE subcontractors to detail provided the leadership required of the subcontractors.
and suppliers wherever possible to achieve the Cornell and NYS Each staff member’s accountability of the various disciplines
goals. Performance Rating 5. ensured the QA/QC was implemented and reinforced. Our
staff kept fi nancial checks on the subcontractors, making sure
5. Safety: I would evaluate this as a rating of 1-5. Elaborate here: they were current in payment but and in compliance with the
Barr & Barr engaged a third party quality and safety organization work completed. Performance Rating 5
to review the project safety program from the start of foundations
through TCO. Barr & Barr ensured that all subcontractor 9. Contract Closeout: I would evaluate this as a rating of 1-5.
safety programs were site specifi c. OSHA requirements and the Elaborate here: Th e challenge in closing out the project was
PPE compliance were monitored daily. Safety reporting was a trying to incorporate all the revisions that kept being implemented
weekly topic of the subcontractor and site logistics meetings due updated into the master documents. Th is ongoing process is
to the changing logistics campus wide. Mandatory orientation ever evolving, even towards the end when we’re putting together
safety program and weekly tool box meetings focusing on safety the fi nal BIM model. Th ere are several fi nal deliverables and
and reinforcement of the program, items such as the 6 foot fall this process is currently ongoing. We create a custom template
protection. Working in conjunction with the owner and local to assist the team in tracking all of the required close out
authorities, we develop a detailed evacuation and emergency documentation. Th is allows us to keep the team up to date on
procedures program. As this was an active campus with other the status of deliverables. Performance Rating 4.
contracts, site logistics meetings were held to discuss project status,
safety and environmental issues and / or concerns. Performance
Rating 5
6. Contract Administration: I would evaluate this as a rating of
1-5. Elaborate here: Our monthly executive reports were issued
in a timely fashion. Barr & Barr updated the team on the project
status of; fi nancials with fi nal projections, schedule, hot items,
critical owner decisions, change order and potential exposures.
We kept full transparency on all deliverables for the project and
the owner had 24 hour accessibility. Performance Rating 5.
7. Working Relationships: I would evaluate this as a rating of 1-5.
Elaborate here: We maintain 100% full cooperation with all
parties, always keeping the project’s goals and objectives in the
fore front. Our team always maintains a professional approach
in bringing solutions to each problem. Our in house staff
understands how a project is built, from the design side, Owner
side and especially the Construction management side. Th is
discipline assists in providing the right chemistry and passion to
build each and every project. A testimony to our team approach
and ability to work within the team is that we have been serving
clients like Cornell for 90 years. Barr & Barr has an impressive
resume of working for various signature architects on iconic
projects. Performance Rating 5.
8. On Site Supervisory Personnel: I would evaluate this as a
rating of 1-5. Elaborate here: Our on- site staff were committed
to the project from shovel ready through the development of the
punchlist. Our professional senior fi eld staff , consisting of our
project executive, MEP director and project manager, has over 95
years of working experience in the construction industry. Th eir
industry knowledge is amplifi ed by their exceptional communication
skills, creating the standards for the rest of the staff . Members
that started the project saw the project to completion. Additional
team members with other essential skillsets were added as the