Page 19 - Barr&Barr_Technical Proposal
P. 19

did not have direct fi nancial responsibility to the subcontractors,   8.  On Site Supervisory Personnel:  Barr & Barr’s team included
           as they were paid by the bonding company. Understanding this,   a full time on site staff  from senior project managers and lead
           Barr & Barr had a project manager dedicated to overseeing this   superintendents to fi eld engineers, project engineers, BIM
           process. Barr & Barr staff  constantly met with subcontractors, the   coordinator, project accountant, safety superintendent,  and
           Owner’s representative and the bonding company to ensure the   administration. Th  is enabled Barr & Barr to resolve any type
           payment and change order process continuted moving forward.    of complex issues which came up on the project. In addition
           Performance Rating 5.                                   it provided more continuity to the overall fl ow of the project.
                                                                   Th  is helped the project maintain the schedule and allowed the
        4.  MBE/WBE Participation:  Th  e M/WBE Participation      appropriate time to manage the fi nancial end. Performance
          requirements of this project were simply a best eff ort.  90% of   Rating 5.
          the procurement was completed by the previous contractor and
          the only trades left for Barr & Barr to infl uence had stringent   9.  Contract Closeout:  As we near substantial completion, Closeout
          Subcontractor qualifi cation requirements that limited the   activities have increased however the process began within (4)
          opportunity to improve on the existing Participation level for   weeks of award starting with an internal review of the documents
          the project.  Performance Rating 3.                      to ensure that Barr & Barr understood the requirements of the
                                                                   documents.  We then scheduled a meeting with the Owner
        5.  Safety:  Safety is the most important item on all Barr & Barr   and Architect to confi rm our understanding of the documents,
          projects. In order to insure that all workers go home safely to   clarify any ambiguities and agree on the processes by which the
          their families every night, Barr & Barr implemented a highly   closeout documentation would be transmitted.  In today’s day
          developed site specifi c Safety Program on this project. Th is   and age, a rather unique requirement was the need for paper
          involved a full time Site Safety Inspector (formally employed   copies of all submittals at closeout, rather than leave this to the
          by OSHA for 25 years), individual training for every worker on   end; we’ve required that subcontractors provide the necessary
          the site, weekly mandatory safety meetings for foreman as well   hardcopies throughout the project so that these can simply be
          as Project Managers, for all Subcontractors. Weekly tool box   transmitted at Project Completion.  Performance Rating 4.
          talks were required from each of the Subcontractors on site. In
          addition, the Director of Safety for Barr & Barr would inspect
          the site every week and conduct training classes for all Barr &
          Barr employees as well as Subcontractors. Frequent Stand-downs
          were held for all workers on the site as well.  Being that this was
          an OCIP project insured through Rutgers University, bi weekly
          site inspections were done between the insurance carriers and Barr
          &Barr. Overall the project has a very thorough and successful
          Safety Program.  Performance Rating 4.

        6.  Contract Administration:  When Barr & Barr took over the
          project, there was a signifi cant backlog of aged Change Orders
          that could not be fi nalized for a variety of reason.  Barr & Barr
          restarted the process, fi rst by ensuring that all Labor Rates were in
          accordance with all contract and insurance requirements and were
          in a format acceptable to the auditors who would be monitoring
          the project on behalf of the Owner.  Additionally we regularly
          met with the Owner’s team to ensure that there was agreement
          on any productivity factors that needed to be accounted for.  Th e
          most important change was Barr & Barr earned a level of trust
          in the eyes of the Owner’s Team.  When Barr & Barr started on
          the project a Change Order had not been authorized in six (6)
          months; now we’ve successfully resolved Change Orders in as
          little as twenty (20) days.  Performance Rating 5.

        7.  Working Relationships:  Due to the status of this project
          when Barr & Barr took over, working relationships were a real
          challenge at the beginning. What made it all work, was the fact
          that the Barr & Barr team has a long term relationship with
          contractors throughout New Jersey. Th  e contractors got involved
          with the project solely on the fact that they had long standing
          relationships working with Barr & Barr. Th  is also helped with
          the Subs already under contract because they were familiar with
          our reputation. Th  ey knew if we told them they were going to
          get paid, it would happen. Barr & Barr dealt with the Owners
          Reps, Surety Contractor, Surety’s consultant, Rutgers University
          and the Architect on a daily basis. For the most part, we gained
          the respect of these parties through our actions and dedication
          to the project, as well as maintaining a positive attitude even
          through the most diffi  cult of situations. Performance Rating 5.
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