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coordination & mechanical coordination. We had weekly foreman’s with DCAMM and constantly with our subcontractors. Based
meetings and monthly PM meetings with all subcontractors. on the complexity of this project the document control/project
Th is allowed us to stay ahead of the inherent issues that plague engineering aspect was critical. Th e project engineer’s day to
every project as well as maintain the schedule which is one of day responsibility of processing RFI’s, reviewing submittals
the most important aspects of managing the subcontractors. and reviewing bulletins is central to the projects triumph.
Another aspect of subcontractor management is the change order Barr & Barr issued payments to subcontractors, on average,
process. As with most large projects cash fl ow is detrimental between 30 & 45 days. As the project manager on the project,
to its success. Understanding this, Barr & Barr had a project I can with certainty state that there was not one concern raised
manager dedicated to overseeing this process. Th ey constantly by a subcontractor in regards to monthly payments. Th is is
met with subcontractors, designers & DCAMM to ensure the unprecedented for this industry. At the end of this project, the
process was always moving forward and not becoming arduous team was subject to a state audit. All paperwork associated with
and insurmountable. Performance Rating 5. this project was required to be 100% complete and accurate.
Th ere were no issues that came up during the audit of this
4. MBE/WBE Participation: As required within all state funded project. Performance Rating 4.
projects Barr & Barr had M/WBE goals that needed to be met
on this project. In addition to the M/WBE goals, there was a 7. Working Relationships: Our main role and responsibility as
requirement to have a certain percentage of M/W on site as construction managers is to be the projects ‘communicators’.
part of the workforce. At the beginning of the project, Barr & Successful working relationships, or any relationship for that
Barr developed a plan that outlined how these goals would be matter, hinges on communication. Th ere has to be an open
achieved. Th e plan was reviewed and accepted by DCAMM’s line of communication between all team members and all
compliance offi cer on a monthly basis. Barr & Barr tracked the communication needs to be transparent. Barr & Barr takes
workforce participation on a weekly basis with the subcontractors. pride in our ability to communicate with all diff erent tiers of
Th rough subcontractor buy-out and subcontractor management, a project, from the owners and designers to the subcontractors,
Barr & Barr reached and exceeded the goals set forth within the vendors and site workers. Th is communication can be identifi ed
RFP for both the MWBE requirements as well as the workforce through the weekly meeting with the site workers all the way
participation. Performance Rating 4. through the monthly exec meetings with the project principals.
Performance Rating 5.
5. Safety: With most large construction management fi rms, safety
is one of the most important aspects of a successful project. Barr 8. On Site Supervisory Personnel: Barr & Barr’s team included
& Barr, as with all projects, went above and beyond the normal a full time on site staff from senior project managers and lead
practices for job site safety. Barr & Barr developed a job specifi c superintends to fi eld & project engineers and administration.
safety plan for the project as well as performed safety orientations Th is enabled Barr & Barr to confront any on-site issues head
for each and every worker that was on site. Safety was addressed on. Th e team on site was wide-ranging and gave us the ability
at the weekly foreman’s meetings as well as the weekly owner’s to manage the complexity of the project. Having all members
meetings. Weekly tool box talks were required from each of the of the team on site also allowed for a more seamless overall
subcontractors on site. In addition to the tool box talks, Barr & project continuity. Th is was the foundation for completing
Barr required the subcontractors corporate safety manuals be issued this project on time and under budget. Performance Rating 5.
and on site at all times. All MSDS sheets were cataloged and
accessible to all trades and Barr & Barr fi eld staff . Barr & Barr’s 9. Contract Closeout: All O&M’s, Warranties & Punch list items
corporate safety director performed weekly site walkthroughs were completed and issued shortly following the Certifi cate
with the superintendents. Reports were formally issued by our of Occupancy. Both electronic & hard copies of all closeout
safety director to the entire team (designers, DCAMM, BSU). documentation were required by the State as well as Bridgewater
One aspect of this project that shows Barr & Barr’s continued State University. To ensure the close out documents were
eff ort to ensure a safe project is the fact that we, along with acceptable to the end user there were multiple meetings held
most of the large subcontractors, partnered with OSHA. Th ere between the subcontractor, Barr & Barr, Bridgewater State
was a signed agreement between all parties that outlined how and DCAMM. Th is allowed us to streamline the closeout
the partnership would be instituted throughout the projects procedure for this project. Performance Rating 4.
duration. Part of the partnership program was to have monthly
meetings with all signed subcontractors, DCAMM & OSHA.
Th ese meetings were held for the duration of the project and gave
everyone the sense that it was a true ‘team’ eff ort to ensure the
safety of everyone working on site. Having the safety director be
an integral part of the construction process as well as partnering
with OSHA allowed Barr & Barr to address issues as they came
up. It also gave the subcontractors a comfort level knowing that
B&B actually puts safety 1st and doesn’t just use it as a tag line.
Performance Rating 4.
6. Contract Administration: As soon as Barr & Barr received
authorization to proceed from DCAMM, the required insurance
and bonding paperwork was issued immediately. As stated above,
the change order process on a project of this size is integral to its
success. Th ere were over $6 million of design changes and owner
requests that Barr & Barr processed and approved with no delay to
the overall project schedule. Change orders were reviewed weekly