Page 13 - Barr&Barr_Technical Proposal
P. 13
Description of the project quality, budget and scheduling
requirements and how they were met:
Project Quality: Th e building design required adherence to criteria
that were tighter than normal; typical construction standards for
exterior façade and interior fi nishes that are unforgiving. Barr &
Barr assigned a project manager (registered architect) solely to
manage pre-con activities, pre-installation meetings, mock-ups and
OA/QC. Th is assisted the fi eld staff in maintaining a high level of
quality in the end product.
Scheduling: Due to the fact that this project was well under way
and 20% complete when Barr & Barr took over, we did not have a
great amount of time to pre plan. We utilized our experience and
knowledge of having built other similar projects and we were able
to get the project back on track.
Budget: When Barr & Barr took over this project from previous
contractor, we established a thorough budget to carry the project
through to owner occupancy. Our budget allowed the client to
know exactly what his exposures were in order to move this project
forward. Again, the cost to complete has remained accurate.
Description of Major Issues and how they were addressed:
As part of the turnover of the project the previously assigned envelope PROJECT DETAILS
subcontractor could not continue on the job. Barr & Barr estimated,
procured and engineered multiple envelope subcontractors and
• Th e ground fl oor houses fl exible classrooms,
normal pre-construction activities, while managing the ongoing administration offi ces and a 120 seat auditorium.
construction of the super structure. During coordination, a major Th e lobby doubles as a presentation and gathering
design issue was discovered where mechanical systems congestion space.
would not fi t in a particularly tight spot in the building. Using • Research laboratories and related offi ce on three
BIM, a fi rst for a Rutgers Project, solutions were developed by the upper fl oors include synthetic organic and inorganic
Barr & Barr BIM team that enabled the building systems to fi t into chemistry; physical organic and analytical chemistry;
and physical, biological and materials chemistry.
the structure in a new arrangement that maintained functionality.
• Shared specialty imaging facilities are located in the
Description of the coordination with adjacent developments or basement. Specialized environmental requirements
other concurrent projects. If applicable: include EMI mitigation, vibration isolation, acoustics,
temperature and humidity control.
Th is project is located within an existing campus environment, student
parking on one side and three other sides Academic Buildings. • Air handlers, energy recovery units and exhaust fans
Th ree sides remained clear for access to buildings for students, are located at the penthouse level. Plumbing and
electrical systems are located in the basement
faculty and staff as well as deliveries (Keep roadway through site
open at all times to receive deliveries). • Th e project is targeting LEED Gold Certifi cation
• Sitework includes bio-retention area, regrading, utility
Our project team preplanned activities, worked off hours, maintained relocation, paving, restripping of existing surface
constant communication with owner and owners rep. to ensure parking, and exterior lighting
safety every day. Barr & Barr provided security service/guard to
monitor and regulate traffi c fl ow. Over 50,000 Students passing
around perimeter of project on a daily basis.