Page 11 - Barr&Barr_Technical Proposal
P. 11

Description of the project quality, budget and scheduling
        requirements and how they were met:
        Th  e original schedule was set to turn over the building in March
        of 2014.  Th  e Corps of Engineers for the pond work permit was
        delayed 14 months.  Our team reduced the delay time down to
        5 months, which allowed the school to open as planned for Sept
        2014.  Th  e schedule had to be re-sequenced due to the owner delay
        but our team developed a work around that allowed us to reduce
        the overall impact to the project.   As far as quality goes, this is a
        very high end fi nish building and we had a full time QA/QC staff
        member working with the design team and subcontractors to ensure
        the highest level of fi nish was achieved.  We had a defi ciency log
        that was tracked and reviewed weekly throughout the project that
        facilitated the closeout of any item prior to acceptance.

        Description of Major Issues and how they were addressed:
        Th  is campus has a student and staff  population of close to 45,000.
        Student and staff  safety was of utmost importance as this population
        is moving almost every two-three hours 4-6 times a day. Th e
        Integrative Learning Center ( ILC)  we recently completed has over
        7,000 students a day pass through its halls, so isolating our workers
        from the students and staff  was very well planned and orchestrated.
        We had the main student center and a Teaching Lab all within 25’

        of the new building we constructed.  Due to these close adjacencies    PROJECT DETAILS
        we installed vibration monitors on both buildings that were set
        at levels that if exceeded would alert us via text message and we
                                                                       •   Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset
        would shut down the operation if necessary.  Our relationship with   Management & Maintenance (DCAMM) funded
        the facilities group was invaluable for the campus wide shutdowns   project.
        required.  We held meetings as often as necessary to inform the
                                                                         •   OSHA Partnership with the U.S. Labor Department
        faculty, student body as the project progressed through certain   to emphasize employee training and an ongoing
        phases so all were aware when and where we would be.            commitment to partner with all subcontractors to
                                                                        identify and eliminate any hazards before they become
        Description of the coordination with adjacent developments or   an issue.
        other concurrent projects. If applicable:                        •   Building Information Modeling (BIM) was utilized
        Th  e project was in the heart of the main campus.  We had a Student   for clash detection, constructability review as well as
        Center Dining Hall renovation project directly adjacent to our   MEP and Architectural coordination.    It was also
                                                                        utilized for 4D construction sequencing/scheduling
        project which needed to access the demo phase of their project
        through our site.  We had weekly meetings throughout the project
        with the other CM fi rm and their OPM to establish travel routes,         •   A high standard of sustainability includes natural
                                                                        lighting, automatic lighting controls, energy effi  cient
        delivery schedules etc..  Another  critical project interface was the
                                                                        HVAC system including heat-recovery system and low
        main steam loop tie in to the main campus system.  Th e Utility
                                                                        fl ow plumbing fi xtures. LEED Gold certifi cation.
        Contractor for the main system project was behind schedule and
                                                                         •   Extensive site coordination due to the project’s
        we had to temporarily feed our building project form the opposite
                                                                        location in the heart of the UMass Amherst campus
        end of the loop which was existing.  Th  e sub fi nally fi nished and
                                                                        adjacent to the Campus Center, Student Union, the
        we worked a 24hr shift tie in to ensure no disruption to the campus   Campus Pond and the Hasbrouk Research Laboratory.
        occurred. Couple that with the most active road on campus running
        directly in front of our building with thousands of students walking
        adjacent to our site just made us more vigilant about the safety of
        oue workers as well as the faculty and student body.
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