Page 42 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 42

Camping Knots: Stationary Hitches

                     cow	Hitch	(simple)

                     AnOtHeR quICK And SIMpLe,
                     tHOugH InSeCuRe,
                     geneRAL-puRpOSe HItCH
                     The simple or common cow hitch, scoffed at by many knot
                     enthusiasts, loosens easily due to the fact that the weight
                     of a load pulls entirely on the standing part of the rope. It
                     is often used to temporarily tether animals, but it should
                     not  be  trusted  for  any  length  of  time.  Archaeological
                     evidence  shows  that  this  knot  has  been  around  for
                     centuries and deserves a place in knot literature. It will
                     endure due to its simplicity.

                          Cow Hitch (S XXimple): Step 1     Cow Hitch (Simple): Step 2

                       Drape the working end of a        Bring the working end across
                       rope through a ring, as shown     the front of the standing part,
                       in the photograph, or over a rail   back up and through the ring or
                       or bar.                           over the rail again, and down
                                                         through the bight of the knot,
                                                         as shown in the photograph.
                                                         Tighten by pulling on the stand-
                                                         ing part.


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