Page 39 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 39

Ropes, Knots, and Hitches

                   clove	Hitch

                   One Of tHe BeSt KnOwn
                   And MOSt wIdeLy uSed
                   geneRAL HItCHeS
                   The simple beauty of the clove hitch, another
                   fundamental  knot,  and  the  ability  to  tie  it
                   with one hand (with only a little practice), are
                   offset by the fact that it works loose over time,
                   especially  if  the  pull  on  the  rope  is  not  at  a
                   right angle to the point of attachment. With
                   that in mind, this knot is still one of the most
                   universally useful of all quick hitches in all kinds
                   of pursuits.

                            Clove Hit XXch: Step 1            Clove Hitch: Step 2

                      XXXWrap the working end of the    XXX
                                                        Wrap the working end around
                      rope around an object, laying     the object a second time and
                      it over the standing part as      underneath the crossed-over
                      shown in the photograph.          section of the first turn. Tighten
                                                        by pulling simultaneously on
                                                        the working end and standing
                                                        end, taking care to keep the dis-
                                                        tinctive shape of the knot.


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