Page 43 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 43

Ropes, Knots, and Hitches

                   cow	Hitch	(Pedigree)

                   A vARIAtIOn Of tHe
                   SIMpLe COw HItCH tHAt
                   CReAteS A ReLIABLe KnOt
                   By  tucking  the  working  end  of  the  rope  back  into  the
                   simple  cow  hitch  (see  page  27),  the  pedigree  cow
                   hitch is created. That one tuck turns a lightweight and
                   undependable  knot  into  a  fairly  secure  and  serviceable
                   knot  with  numerous  uses.  And,  unlike  the  simple  cow
                   hitch, a load can be applied to the pedigree cow hitch
                   from any angle, making it close to ideal for tethering a
                   cow—or, for that matter, just about any animal.

                        Cow Hitch (Pe XXdigree): Step 1   Cow Hitch (Pedigree): Step 2

                      XXXDrape the working end of a     XXX
                                                        Bring the working end across
                      rope over a rail or bar, as shown   the front of the standing part.
                      in the photograph.


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