Page 38 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 38

Camping Knots: Stationary Hitches

                     Two	Half	Hitches

                     An AdvAnCed vARIAtIOn Of
                     tHe HALf HItCH tHAt CReAteS
                     A MORe SeCuRe KnOt
                     Two  half  hitches  bind  a  rope  to  an  object  or
                     another rope with twice the security of a single
                     half hitch. Security is lost, however, if the load
                     is not applied at a right angle to the object. The
                     knot is a half hitch tied on top of a half hitch. It
                     does not have to be constantly loaded, but when
                     it is, the load needs to be constant, or else it will
                     work loose. A favorite among campers, two half
                     hitches may be useful in climbing and boating.

                           Two Half Hi XXtches: Step 1       Two Half Hitches: Step 2

                       XXXasten a rope to an object      Take the working end around
                       with a half hitch (see page 22).   again, over the standing part
                       Tighten the half hitch.           again, and through the loop a
                                                         second time. Tighten by pulling
                                                         simultaneously on the working
                                                         end and the standing part.


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