Page 33 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 33
Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
Overhand Loop
A SIMpLe And SeCuRe fIxed LOOp
fOR uSe wItH StRIng OR LIgHt CORd
Almost as simple as the basic overhand knot (see page
6), the overhand loop creates a quick and useful knot.
This knot can be tied in the middle of a rope if a loop is
needed there. It also offers another advantage: If a rope
has a worn or weak point, the point can be incorporated
into the loop, making the rope stronger. But be warned:
This knot can jam when used in rope. Prevent jamming by
keeping the knot from being too heavily loaded, especially
shock loaded.
Overhand L XXoop: Step 1 Overhand Lo
XXop: Step 2
XXXMake a relatively long bight in XXX
Tie an overhand knot (see page
the working end of the cord. 6) with the doubled cord.
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