Page 28 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 28

Camping KnOts:


                     square	(reef)	Knot

                     A quICK And SIMpLe Bend fOR tyIng
                     tOgetHeR twO ROpeS OR CORdS Of
                     equAL dIAMeteR
                     This  fundamental  knot,  known  to  many  as  the  square
                     knot, is more accurately called the reef knot. It is used for
                     binding two pieces of cordage of equal diameter or two
                     ends of the same piece of cordage. If improperly tied, as
                     it often is, it becomes the infamous and highly insecure
                     granny knot. Even tied correctly, the square knot loosens
                     easily and should not be used as a bend where security
                     is required. Knot tyers involved in many different pursuits
                     use this one.

                             Square K XXXnot: Step 1           Square Knot: Step 2

                       Bring the two working ends of     Cross the two working ends
                       the two pieces  of cordage to-    a second time, right over left.
                       gether and cross them left over   Tighten by pulling simultane-
                       right.                            ously on both working ends
                                                         and both standing parts.


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