Page 31 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 31

Camping KnOts:


                   Figure	8	Loop

                   A StROng And SeCuRe fIxed LOOp
                   fOR ALL dIAMeteRS Of MAteRIAL
                   The figure 8 loop is one of the most widely known and
                   used loops. A well-liked camping knot, it is also popular
                   with  climbers  and  sometimes  used  by  boaters.  Once
                   better known as the Flemish loop, this knot is tied on a
                   bight and, therefore, may also be called the figure 8 on
                   a bight. Since this knot is tied with the rope doubled, the
                   characteristic  figure  8  shape  is  actually  a  double  figure
                   8, giving the figure 8 loop yet another name: the double
                   figure 8 loop.

                           Figure 8 L XXXXoop: Step 1        Figure 8 L XX XXoop: Step 2

                      XXXXXXCreate a large bight in the   XXX
                                                        Bring the doubled working end
                      working end and double it over    over the doubled standing part.
                      to form a loop.


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