Page 29 - Outward Bound Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
P. 29

Ropes, Knots, and Hitches
                   Ropes, Knots, and Hitches

                   sheet	Bend

                   A quICK And SIMpLe Bend fOR tyIng
                   tOgetHeR twO ROpeS OR CORdS Of
                   equAL OR unequAL dIAMeteR
                   Another  fundamental  knot  and  arguably  the  most
                   commonly used bend, the sheet bend works well in lines
                   of unequal diameter. The strength of this knot, however,
                   decreases  in  direct  proportion  to  the  difference  in  the
                   diameter of the lines joined. If the ropes are unequal in
                   diameter, make the bight in the larger rope, and it will be
                   more secure if both working ends emerge on the same
                   side of the knot.

                            Sheet Be XXXnd: Step 1            Sheet Bend
                                                                    XXX: Step 2

                      XXCreate a bight (see page x) in   XX
                                                        Bring the working end of the sec-
                      the working end of one of the     ond rope through the bight, then
                      two ropes.                        around the back of the bight and
                                                        across the top of the bight. Then
                                                        bring it underneath itself and
                                                        over the other rope, as shown in
                                                        the photograph. Tighten by pull-
                                                        ing on both standing parts.


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