Page 64 - Sex Manual Ebook
P. 64

1.      Sit in a comfortable asana with palms on the knees.

               2.      Roll the tongue from the sides so that it forms a narrow tube. The

               tongue is folded from both the sides and the edges almost meet at the

               center on the top.

               3.      Breathe in slowly. First fill the abdomen, then the chest and finally

               the neck region. This is the complete yogic breath.

               4.      Pull the tongue inside the mouth and close the mouth.

               5.      Bend the neck forward to do the chin lock (also called the Jalandhara


               6.      Hold the breath for some time, as much as you are comfortable

               7.      Release Jalandhara Bandha and exhale slowly through the nose

               8.      This is one round of Sheetali Pranayama. One can do as many

               rounds as you may feel comfortable. We suggest doing 10 repetitions in

               rounds of three.
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