Page 377 - Area X - G
P. 377
2 - within 4 days
1 - within 5 days and above
Recording during CF/SF 5- no error 5- 3 or more days before Faculty/Staff
Thesis/Dissertation defense 4- with 1 error deadline
3- with 2 errors 4-1 to 2 days before deadline
Panel of evaluator during 2- with 4 errors 3- on set deadline Faculty
Thesis/Dissertation defense 1-wlth 5 or more errors 2-1 to 2 days after deadline
1-3 days or more after
Communication through CF/SF 5-100% of the 5- no error 5- 3 or more days before Office personnel assigned
technological media (e-mail, communication sent 4- with 1 error deadline
social media) 1-less than the no. of 3- with 2 errors 4-1 to 2 days before deadline
communication sent 2- with 4 errors 3- on set deadline
1-with 5 or more errors 2-1 to 2 days after deadline
1-3 days or more after