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                           9.  Campus administrative units -  Lagawe Campus
                              a.  Aii administrative units covered
                           10.  Campus administrative units -  Potia Campus
                                a.  All administrative units covered
                           11. Tinoc Campus administrative and academic units
                              a.  AH administrative units covered
                              b.  All academic units covered
                           12.  College of Arts and Sciences
                           13.  College of Criminology
                           14.  College of Computer Science
                           15.  College of Education
                           16.  College of Health Sciences
                           17.  Department of Agriculture and Forestry
                           18.  Department of Home Science and Industry
                           19.  Department of Education -  Potia
                           20.  Departments of Crim, CompSci, Health Sci, Home Sci-Potia
                               a.  Department of Criminology
                               b.  Department of computer Science
                               c.  Department of Health Science
                               d.  DHSI
                           21.  College of Agriculture and Forestry-Potia
                           22.  College of Business and Management-Lagawe
                           23.  Department of Educ-Lagawe
                           24. College of Engineering and Technology-Lagawe

                             The HRD shall prepare a list of the delivery units with complete listing of personnel under
                        each delivery unit.

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