Page 511 - Area X - G
P. 511
Annex B - List of Delivery units/ "Bureaus”
One of the problems encountered in the previous performance assessment is the grouping
of various sections/units to form one group as delivery unit/bureau (i.e. Auxiliary Services
composed of PAIS, NBC Zonal Center, Infra & Site Devt, ICU). Treated as one delivery unit, a head
of this group was identified to sign on the OPCR where all functions of all these various sections
were merged together. This was done because of DBM's prescribed rating process and force
ranking procedure.
As a result of this grouping of sections to form a delivery unit/bureau, this confused many as
it is not in conformity with the organizational structure.
It is th e re fo re re-grouped as follows:
Delivery Units:
1. Top Management
a. University President
b. VP-AA
d. CAO
e. Campus Directors
2. Offices under the University President
f. Executive Assistants and Staffs
g. CARASUC Executive Director
h. ICU
j. NBC Zonal Center
k. International Relations Office
l. Planning
m. IGP
n. !nfra& Site
B. Offices under the VP-AA
a. Registrar
c. Library
d. PE & Sports
f. QAO
4. Offices under the VP-RDET
a. Research and Devt
b. Extension and Trng.
c. Science Research Assistant
d. Intellectual Property Office
e. Tissue Culture Laboratory
5. Sections under the CAO
■ Administrative unit
■ Supply
■ Records
■ Medical-Dental
6. Finance
a. Budget
b. Cash
c. Accounting
7. General Services
8. Campus administrative units-Main Campus