Page 516 - Area X - G
P. 516

Annual Target           Actual Accomplishment
                                                     # W W   t f * U   c j u  f t *   O    l t h i a o i t 4 l 9 v r i ‘ V i l + i t f 1 t y l b 4 0  c o m    ‘   4   I f t U . O t n c W   ffrij
                                                                                                                        Year:   2020             Check the appropriate blank
                                                                                                                                                 __ First Quarter
                                                                                                                                                 ___As o f Second Quarter
                                                                                                                                                      (Semi-Annual Assessment)
                       R»pub!tc of the Philippines                                                                                               ___As o f Third Quarter
                     IFUGAO STATE  UNIVERSITY                                                                                                    ___As o f Fourth Quarter
                           t»muf. ifugto
                                               ■mtmwiiti;inwniiTiwinmnfimfiiTfinnirnnmfTiM»imtroniinmiimitimmfTninhiiimmTi:ninfifmnwmmmfiiiT          (Semi-Annual Assessment)
                                                             OFFICE PERFORMANCE COMMITMENT AND REVIEW (OPCR)
                                                                                  O P C R  Form   t

    iis portion is to  be signed by the concerned employees/officials during the target-setting  Signature box is provided at the last page of this form for the accomplishment report )
    i.YN. T■ SALVIEJO of OFFICE OF THE CAMPUS EXECUTIVE OIRECTOR-Potia Campus, commit to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the following targets in ac£
    ariod January to December 2020.

    eviewed and approved by:
                                                                      Dl           QUINO, PhD.

                                                                     Chairperson, PMT  •Tt>

    5- Outstanding/Best                        4 • Very Satisfactory/Better            3 - Satisfactory/Good             2 ■ Unsatlslactory/Fair                  1• Poor

                                                            Targets (NEP)                       Division/           Actual Accomplishments             Rating
                                                            Semi-              Semi-  Alloted   Section                 Semi-               Semi-          July to
              PA P i Performance Indicator                                                                                                        January            Remarks
                                                 Q1   Q2   Annual   Q3   Q4   Annual  Budget  Department   Q1    Q2    Annual   Q3    Q4   Annual  to June  Decem­
                                                            Total              Total          Accountable               Total               Total           ber
                         (2)                                     (3)                   (4)        (5)                        (6)                         7)             (8)

    Percentage of undergraduate programs granted with
    accreditation by AACCUP                           30%   30%          42%     42%             QuA                                  ■ a n %
    Percentage of acredited graduate programs granted                                  '
    with accreditation by AACCUP                      50%   50%          50%     50%             QuA                                       I               &

    M-Pt N-Fnns-R
   511   512   513   514   515   516   517   518   519   520   521