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P. 515

3.  Each  deliver)'/service  unit  shall  have  a  minimum of 20  and  maximum  of 25  performance
                              indicators distributed appropriately among the three categories of functions.

                          4.  Performance Measures Rubrics/Rating Scale
                              a.  Quantity (SPMS Manual)
                                 5 - Achieved the target by 130% and above
                                 4 - Achieved the target by 115-129%
                                 3 - Achieved the target by 100-114%
                                 2 - Performance below target by 51-99%
                                 1  - Performance below target by 50% and below

                              b.  Timeliness -  For convenience in measurement, timeliness dimension should be
                                 expressed in terms of number of day (not week or months or hours).

                                     Note:  If  deadline  is  not  specified,  automatically,  deadline  is  based  on  the
                                     Citizen’s Charter or 3 days after receipt o f request/instruction.
                                     5 —Three or more days before the deadline

                                     4 -  One - two days before the deadline
                                     3 —On deadline or due date

                                     2 -  One -  two days after the deadline
                                     1  -  Three or more days after the deadline

                              For urgent requests (i.e. request received today and due within the day or the following day),
                              the  task  shall not be included in  the  performance report as  such urgent requests  could be
                              seldom received.

                   IV.    Refined Performance Indicators
                                 Please see attachment.

               Prepared by:

               JOYCE A. BODAH                                     ENGR. LOINAZ D. DU LA WAN
               Member/Secretariat, PMT                            PMT Chairperson/Chief Administrative Officer
               Director, Planning & Information Management


               SERAFIN L. NGOHAYON, Ph.D.
               University President

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