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P. 514

Republic of the Philippines
                                               IFUGAO STATE UNIVERSITY
                                                         Lamut, Ifugao

                                                    POLICY PROPOSAL
               Title          :  Refined Performance Indicators for Performance Management of Delivery/Service Units
                               Effective F.Y. 2017
               Proponents     :  DPIM and PMT
               Date           :  October 7,2016

                   I.     Rationale

                                 One  of the  principles  of total  quality  management  is  continuous  improvement.  Like
                          entrepreneurs  who  continuously  seek  for  ways  to  improve  their  products  to  delight  their
                          customers,  the  University  continues  to  find  solutions  to  existing  problems  in  performance
                          management in order to improve the quality of services.
                                 This proposed table of reference contains the refined performance indicators to measure
                          performance  of delivery units  (divisions  and  campuses)  and  service units  (service  departments
                          and colleges) in the institution. With the principles of cascading of logical frameworks  to make
                          the  performance  indicators  outcome-based  and  taking  in  consideration  the  performance
                          indicators  for PBB  evaluation,  SUC Leveling,  and Normative  Financing Scheme  Report which
                          are being used to assess the performance of SUCs, the performance indicators were revised and
                          refined appropriately. Hence, this proposal.
                   II.    Objectives
                          A.  Phase 1 -  Refined Pis for Office Performance Management
                              1.  Prepare  a  table  of  reference  for  office  performance  management  containing  refined
                                 indicators  of  performance  of  functions  in  relation  to  implementation  of  programs,
                                 projects, and activities of the office which are geared towards attainment of the goals of
                                 the university considering the principles of cascading logical frameworks of the results-
                                 based  performance  management  system,  the  performance  indicators  from  the  PBB
                                 evaluation, SUC Leveling, and Normative Financing Scheme;
                              2.  Make the preparation of OPCR friendlier to delivery units that will result to:
                                 a.  further refinement of the OPCR and IPCR templates; and
                                 b.  preparation for table of reference for individual performance management.

                          B.  Phase 2 -  Refined Pis for Individual Performance Management
                              1.  Prepare a table of reference  for individual performance management containing Pis of
                                 performance of functions  aligned to  the  programs/projects  and  activities  of the office
                                 and the organization/institution.
                              2.  Refine the OPCR and IPCR forms to make it friendlier and easier to prepare.

                   III.   Factors/ Parameters Considered in the Refinement of the Performance Indicators

                          1.  Outcome-based  monitoring  &  evaluation  — Performance  is  measured  based  on  the
                              outcomes.  The  outcomes  were  identified  through  the  principles  of  the  results-based
                              performance  management  system  (cascading  of  logical  frameworks)  and  adopting  the
                              performance indicators  from the PBB  evaluation, SUC Leveling, and Normative Financing
                          2.  Categories  of  Functions  -   For  proper  delineation  of  the  categories  of  functions  for
                              delivery/service units, the definitions were made simple as follows:
                              a.  Strategic  Priority  Functions  -  Those  that  directly  affect  the  MFOs,  STO  and  GASS
                                 outputs of the University as specified in the GAA.
                              b.  Core Functions - Refers to the functions that are inherent to the office.
                              c.  Support Functions —These are functions in support to other offices or agency.

                              If Core  or  Support  Functions  are  identified  as  Strategic  Priority  Functions,  they  shall  be
                              presented under the Strategic Priority Functions.

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