Page 9 - COL Asia Newsletter (30 May 2018)
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Common  Law  principles  and  legal  practice  in  the  context  of  undertake  a  planned  review  of  its  mandatory  Risk
         Vietnamese Civil Law. This course is to be developed from the  Management Education (RME) programme.
         College’s  non-award  International  Legal  English  and   The  Society’s  mandatory  RME  programme  applies  to  Hong
         Professional Sills (ILEPS) and the programme is designed to   solicitors,  trainee  solicitors  and  to  registered  foreign  lawyers
         become the initial LLM (Applied Law) subject - in Vietnamese   practising in Hong Kong. It is comprised of initial core courses
         legal practice—Lawyer’s Skills (Vietnam) that is scheduled to   for  principals,  non-principals,  trainees  and  registered  foreign
         be developed in 2018. ▄▌                            lawyers  followed  by  a  series  of  electives,  with  an  ongoing
                                                             annual requirement to undertake 3 hours of RME electives
                                                             An EOI was submitted to the Law Society on 4 October 2017
                                                             and remains under consideration. ▄▌

         Law Society practice management course

            he Law Society of Hong Kong has decided that it will now
         T  introduce  its  COL-produced  legal  practice  management  LLM  (Applied Law) in Common Law Practice
         course as an elective within this mandatory Risk Management   he  College’s  new  LLM  (Applied  Law)  in  Common  law
         Education  (RME)  programme  Risk  Management  Education
         (RME)  programme  -  rather  than  introduce  it  (as  initially   T  Practice  (New  Zealand)  began  with  seven  subjects  in
         planned) as a  mandatory CPD subject.               being offered in the February 2018 intake.
                                                             This   new   jurisdictional
         Winning  the  contract  to  develop  this  practice  management
         course  (and  accompanying  PowerPoint,  with  presenter’s   stream  in  the  College’s
         notes) was COL Asia’s first success in securing paid work in   LLM   (Applied   Law)
         Asia and the work was extended to include:          programme  builds  upon
                                                             the  existing  COLNZ  New
           Developing  checkboxes  for                      Zealand Law and Practice
            starting, running and exiting a                  Examination   (NZLPE)
            Hong  Kong  legal  practice  for                 preparation   course   for
            inclusion as appendices to the                   foreign  lawyers.  The  new
            practice  management  course                     LLM programme will allow
            manual.                                          foreign   lawyers   to
           Assisting  with  the  recruitment                simultaneously  undertake
            and training of course trainers                  a  LLM  in  Common  law
            and delivering the first course -                Practice  (based  on  New
            sometime in 2018.                                Zealand)  and  prepare  for
                                                             the six NZLPE exams run
           Providing  an  annual  course                    by  the  New  Zealand
            update service.
                                                             Council    of    Legal
         The  College  has  also  offered  to                Education (NZCLE).
         the  Law  Society  to  trail  online                Click  to  view  the  2018  Master  of  Laws  (Applied  Law)  in
         delivery of the new course - which was developed as a half-  Common Law Practice (New Zealand) handbook. ▄▌
         day,  face-to-face  course,  with  a  substantial  manual.  The
         manual is available online as a flipbook. ▄▌
                                                                     COMMON LAW PRACTICE SUBJECTS
                                                              Six of the seven LLM subjects in the Common Law Practice
                                                              (New Zealand) stream are based on the 6-part New Zealand
                                                              Law and Practice Examination (NZLPE) for foreign lawyers:
                                                                NZLP1: Administrative Law Practice (New Zealand)
                                                                NZLP2: Commercial Law Practice (New Zealand)
                                                                NZLP3: Criminal Law Practice (New Zealand)
                                                                NZLP4: Ethics & Professional Practice (New Zealand)
                                                                NZLP5: Personal Injury & Torts Practice
                                                                NZLP6: Property Law Practice (New Zealand)
                                                                NZLP7: Trusts, Wills & Estates Practice (New Zealand)
         Course manual and checkboxes available online as a flipbook.     NZLP00 Capstone (New Zealand)

                                                                NZLP15  Major Project (New Zealand)
                                                              Note:  NZLP4: Ethics and Professional Practice (New Zealand)
         Risk management education review
                                                              was  approved  by  the  New  Zealand  Council  of  Legal Education  in
         Following the successful  completion of  a new  Legal  Practice   November  2017  as  an  approved  Legal  Ethics  course  that  is  a
         Management course the Law Society of Hong Kong has asked   mandatory admission requirement for New Zealand lawyers - both
         the  College  to  submit  an  Expression  of  Interest  (EOI)  to   local and foreign.

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